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Title 醫療廢棄物焚化爐附近環境及居民健康風險評估計畫-以雲林縣元長鄉日友環保科技股份有限公司為例
Abstract 本計畫執行重點包括(1)日友公司醫療廢棄物焚化爐操作營運監督與管理作業評估包括定期查核(二次)、不定期查核及駐廠查核日友公司雲林一廠及雲林二廠,(2)廠址附近環境品質檢測及數據分析與評估(二季),包括周界空氣品質、固定污染源(煙囪)排氣、鄰近農地、地下水、飛灰及底渣, (3)廠址附近居民健康檢查,包括一般檢查、尿液、血液、肝功能、腎功能、胸部X光及血液重金屬等檢查項目。本計完成空氣品質、土壤污染及地下水污染對人體影響之健康風險評估,環境及居民健康風險評估。
EngTitle Environmental and Human Health Risk Assessment at the Vicinity of a Medical Wastes Incinerator – A demonstration project at the Sunny Friend Environmental Technology Co. Ltd. as an Example
EngAbstract The main tasks of this project consist of (1) supervision on management and operation of two medical waste incinerators at the Sunny Friend Company in Yunlin , including two scheduled audits , unscheduled audits and resident audit at the Yulin Plants No. 1 and No. 2 , (2) analysis and assessment of the environmental quality at the plant’s vicinity , including two seasons data of vicinity air quality and emission at the point source (chimney) , vicinity farm lands , ground water , fly ash and ash residues , (3) health examination of residents at the plant’s vicinity , including regular health check-up , urine , blood , liver , kidney , chest X-ray and blood heavy metals , etc. . This project has accomplished risk assessment of the environmental quality and human health with respect to air quality , soil pollution and groundwater pollution .
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司