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Title 九十三年度「觀音廢機動車輛粉碎廠委託營運作業及廢機動車輛回收處理輔導」專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫之工作項目包括二大部分,共十四項工作項目分別為:(一) 觀音廢車粉碎廠監督管理作業,包含按「觀音廢機動車輛粉碎分類廠委託營運契約書」之規定,協助環保署監督委託營運單位依約執行、審查營運單位所提各項營運資料、進行營運單位所提之環保檢驗結果審核、監督並輔導營運單位並將工作過程及結果作成書面紀錄與提出營運監督服務工作季報、協助評估觀音廠委託營運契約金額之估算、協助環保署觀音廠委託營運招標文件之討論及修正以及就觀音廠未來五年市場價值變化進行估算。(二) 廢車回收處理體系檢討作業,包含廢車粉碎衍生廢棄物ASR之物理成分分析、廢車回收拆解等組成分析、車輛報廢量、處理量、回收率探討、廢車通路市場調查、歷年廢車回收率變化原因分析、廢車處理成本和處理量關係分析以及國內廢車處理廠現場輔導作業。相關成果可歸納為:(一) 觀音廢車粉碎廠監督管理作業1.協助環保署監督委託營運單位依約執行各項要求事項,共計完成自93年1月至93年12月之營運資料統計,並訂定相關監督與統計分析流程。總計自93年1月至93年12月共處理廢車殼55,765公噸,碎鐵、ASR、非鐵金屬產比例分別為:碎鐵67.86%;ASR31.01%;非鐵1.13%。2.完成24項委託營運合約要求事之彙整與查核,針對92年度之年保證處理量與備用地磅啟用建立標準作業程序,並針對營運單位之環保檢驗結果進行審核,完成92年度之噪音與廢氣檢驗結果審核並將90、91、92等三年度之檢測結果進行彙整。本年度共完成二次監督營運工作季報之提送,並按經營運轉、設備機具、緊急事故等說明各季之要事與處理情形。3.為因應下一期委託營運計畫之辦理,完成各項前置準備作業之執行,包括年租金的估算與招標文作之研擬。除分別依對現有市場之影響、回收建廠成本與實際鑑價結果等因素考量外,並依市場公平性與設備維修保養之實際需要估算。另外依促參法之精神研擬下一期委託營運契約內容,完成包括招商文件與契約書範本之擬訂。而觀音廠實廠鑑價作業之執行則為年租金之估算提供參考依據。(二) 廢車回收處理體系檢討作業1.完成三家廢車粉碎廠各一場次之ASR採樣分析作業,與廢汽車與廢機車各6輛次之拆解分析作業,除彙整分析結果,並探討未來車用材料的演變將對廢車回收作業產生重大影響。2.在報廢量、處理量、回收率之分析探討方面,本年度參考日本對廢車回收率之計算方式,採持有數估計法進行計畫與比較,發現整體廢汽車與廢機車回收率將分別達到71.1%與67.8%。3.在廢車通路調查分析、歷年廢車回收率變化分析與廢車處理成本和處理量關係分析等工作則因延續至下一年度,因此本年度主要針對歷史資料與現況進行彙整。4.完成三場次之廢車粉碎廠現場輔導作業,各場次均由環保、工安、廠務管理、機具設備等四領域之專家對廢車粉碎廠提供專題演講與改善建議。
EngTitle Kuan-Yin ELV Shredding Plant Operation Monitoring and ELV Recycling System Reviewing Project
EngAbstract The purpose of this project is to assist and monitor the contracted operation of Kuan-Yin Auto Shredding Plant. Also in this project, the research team was required to prepare the call-for-tenders documents and help transferring the operation right of Kuan-Yin Plant in 2005. Besides, in order to promote the ELVs recycling in Taiwan, another major task in this project is reviewing the performance and functions of the elements in the system including car-recycling rewards, take-back and processing logistics and subsidy receptors. The research results are intended to support future environmental policy of Taiwan EPA.Based on the operating records of Kuan-Yin Plant in 2004, Kuan-Yin Plant processed 55,765 tons of car hulks. The results indicate the Plant has achieved the requirement set by Taiwan EPA on the Plant operation. In addition, according to the monitoring results of noise and air pollution, this Plant met environmental regulations from year 2001 to 2003. In 2004, the research team completed two seasonal status reports including the overall operation, machinery equipment and emergency reacting processes. The call-for-tenders document, new rent calculation for the next-term operation, new lease forms and three appraisals for potential property values of Kuan-Yin Plant were also conducted.On the system reviewing side of this project, the research team completed the physical analysis of the ELV in the current waste stream, physical analysis of ASR, the reviewing of ELV collection rates and three educational workshops for the employees of the three shredding plants in Taiwan. The collection rate for waste cars is about 71.1% and 67.8% for waste motorcycles based on the estimation of the
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會