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Title 購物袋使用費(稅)可行性分析與推動實施方案評估
Abstract 「購物袋使用費」為第二階段「購物用塑膠袋及塑膠類免洗餐具限制使用政策」(簡稱限塑政策)的後續考量政策,其可行性與限用政策之成效有相當具體的關聯性。限塑政策成效顯著,然限塑之相關問題,如環境效果是否足夠明確?購物用塑膠袋不得無償提供的規定是否造成消費者需付費取得,而獨厚塑膠袋業者?是否應將紙袋一併納入限制範圍?以及限塑政策產生的經濟衝擊是否是社會可以容忍的範圍?而不致造成業者之抗爭行為等問題。直接或間接地促成了「購物袋使用費」政策在國內執行的可能性。然「購物袋使用費政策」是否足以減少上述爭議,有效地解決目前限塑政策所遭遇之問題,並進一步地發揮環境效果有必要進一步討論。換言之,必須有效釐清使用費政策在限塑政策下之可能環境效果,消費者進一步配合意願,以及經濟影響衝擊程度,才能判斷限塑政策之最適修改方向。本研究所討論之購物袋材質以塑膠製、紙製及生物分解材質為主,並以各種研究方法探討其環境效果、消費者配合程度,以及經濟影響層面。本研究先針對購物袋使用費政策之各國政策經驗、國內環境、消費者、經濟配合等可能情況進行描述,並提供「購物袋政策」政策可行性分析之結論與建議。
EngTitle The Feasibility Analysis of Plastic Shopping Bags Policy
EngAbstract The regulation prohibiting retailers and restaurants from offering customers free plastic bags constitutes part of the Second Stage of implementation of the government’s “Restricted Use Policy on Plastic Shopping Bags & Disposable Plastic Tableware” (also known as the “Plastic Bag Reduction Initiative”). How effectively this prohibition can be enforced will be a major determinant of the success or failure of the Restricted Use Policy as a whole. For the purposes of this report, the term “shopping bag” is used to refer to shopping bags made from plastic, paper or other biodegradable materials. A variety of different research methods are used to examine the environmental impact, consumers’ willingness to collaborate with policy implementation, and the impact on the economy. Other countries’ experience with requiring consumers to pay for shopping bags is reviewed, and a range of possible scenarios (with regard to the overall domestic environment, and the willingness of consumers and of the business community to collaborate on implementation) are outlined, providing a basis for the putting forward of conclusions and recommendations regarding the feasibility of achieving effective implementation of the government’s policy of restricting plastic shopping bag usage.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 中華經濟研究院