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Title 九十二度事業辦理廢棄物清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎評選行政作業及獲獎績優事業觀摩研討會計畫
Abstract 為了鼓勵事業機構妥善清理廢棄物、資源減量、回收再利用,本署於民國九十一年公佈「事業辦理廢棄物清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎勵辦法」,並於民國九十二年舉辦「九十一年度事業廢棄物清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎」及於民國九十三年舉辦「九十二年度事業廢棄物清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎」之評選。評分標準包含兩大項:●管理系統方面:包含廢棄物收集與處理、廢棄物減量、廢棄物管理及組織運作;管理系統包含審計與文件管控、操作與維修、以及員工教育訓練等。●績效表現方面:包含廢棄物減量、資源減量、回收及再利用、節能、設施投資改善情形、操作效能改善情形、研究發展、及其他具體優良事蹟。今(九十三)年由本署會同目的事業主管機關頒發「九十二年度事業廢棄物清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎」之獎項包括特優獎及優等獎。●特優獎:(1)農業組:台中縣中興合作農場、田酪堆肥場、花蓮縣花東有機肥生產合作社堆肥場(2)工業組:中華汽車工業股份有限公司新竹廠、台灣松下電器股份有限公司、國瑞汽車股份有限公司中壢工廠(3)教育組:國立屏東科技大學(4)科學園區組:聯華電子股份有限公司FAB6A廠、力晶半導體股份有限公司(5)廢棄物清理組:台灣美加金屬股份有限公司●優等獎:(1)農業組:葆南堆肥場、欣農堆肥場(2)工業組:台灣史谷脫紙業股份有限公司新營廠(3)醫療組:高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院本署為表揚獲得九十二年度特優獎之事業機構,特出版「九十二年度事業廢棄物清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎優良事蹟彙編」,期能將其廢棄物減量、資源減量、回收及再利用之績效,藉由經驗分享及相互切磋推廣至其他事業。
EngTitle Incentives and award rules for institutions with proven performance on waste management as well as resource minimization, recycle and reuse.
EngAbstract In order to encourage various business sectors to implement proper waste management, resource minimization, recycle and reuse, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in 2002 has promulgated the “Incentives and award rules for institutions with proven performance on waste management as well as resource minimization, recycle and reuse”.Since 2003 the EPA has implemented an annual performance award program to accept application for competing for last year’s performance on waste management, resource minimization, recycle and reuse.The criteria for the performance awards consists of two main parts : ●Management systems:Including policy , objectives and programs for waste collection and treatment as well as waste minimization , waste management organization, operation management system including audit and documentation control, operation and maintenance, and educational training, etc.●Performance records :Including waste minimization, resource minimization ,recycle and reuse, energy savings, investment and improvement in equipment and facilities, operation efficiency improvement, research and development and other proven performance records.The 2003 performance award winners have been announced by the EPA, which include :●Distinguished Performance Awards: (1) Agricultural Group: Chung Hsing Co-op Farm , Tan Low Composting Plant and Huadong Organic Fertilizer Cooperation Composting Plant (2) Industrial Group: China Motor Co.,Ltd.Hsin Chu Plant , Matsushita Electric (Taiwan) Co.,Ltd. and Kuozui Motor Co.,Ltd. Chung Li Plant(3) Educational Group: National Pingtung University of Science & Technology .(4) Science Park Group: United Microelectronics Corp. Fab 6A Plantand Powerchip Semiconductor Corp.(5) Waste Treatment Group: Taiwan May-Chia Metal Company , Ltd.●Excellent Performance Awards: (1) Agricultural Group: Pau Nan Composting Plant and Hsin Nuong Composting Plant(2) Industrial Group: Kimberly-Clark Taiwan Hsin-Ying Mill(3) Hospital Group: Kaohsiung Medical University Chun
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司