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Title 建置民眾檢舉使用中汽車排氣污染資料整合處理系統及鼓勵民眾檢舉烏賊車作業計畫
Abstract 成功達成本年度14,848件民眾檢舉烏賊車案件,且以資訊化作業收錄,分類成不同受理來源,處理結果,回覆民眾及對優良檢舉人獎品及獎狀發放輔助自動化作業。完成九十三年度獎勵民眾檢舉烏賊車抽獎活動,所有獎項為一千一百零貳個,中獎率高達百分之三十以上,總金額在七十萬元以上。配合本年度業務方針,完成多項系統功能增修,及標準作業手冊之編訂,系統增加功能部份包括縣市環保局網站連線作業、查證作業查證率自動計算、資料交換整合作業、環保局獎勵民眾發放獎品、獎狀輔助作業,SIP考核自動化作業等,使本年度業務改善可以迅速調整,達成預期目標。完成蒐集並了解縣市執行困難,並針對民眾進行宣導,以降低本項業務不同角度之落差,建立良好溝通均衡平台。完成使用中汽機車排氣檢測資料作業程序規範,並於台中縣成功示範使用。數據分析結果,顯示本年度污染物削減量為243Ton/yr,雖然削減量降低,但若以通知檢測且己結案之案件,做九十二年、九十三年之比較,則顯示九十二年不合格率佔1.3%,九十三年不合格率佔通知檢測且已結案案件3%,故在處理品質上已略為提昇,未來可以在品質提昇上繼續努力。
EngTitle 2004 Polluting vehicles appeal cases management system
EngAbstract This project has accomplished successfully to accept 14,848 polluting vehicles report cases. All the report cases have been digitalized and orgonized systematically by the MIS to differentiate ways of source, kindslof handle result,responses to reporters,and awards to the excellent reporters.The award compaign of 2004 has been accomplished by Nov.11.This project is responsible for the provide of 1102 awards. The tatal value is over NT$700,000.The chance of picks is over 30 percentage.With the accordance to the strategy 2004,there are several functions and modes of system are accomplished. Also this project has edited EPBS’ standard handbook. The implementation of the system includes to unite the nationalwide epbs’ webs to receive report cases as one web. The checking and verification process and evaluation function was accomplished,. Data exchange and integration nationwide platform was built. The award recording and mailing system and self evaluation automatical system were well established. All the function and mode have improved the quality of handle process and made the strategy performed.This project has accomplished collection and rationalization of the epbs’ difficulties. Also provided the promotion program for people to know the report informantion and how to report.To accomplish the four-wheel gasoline vehicles emission inspection cross platform specification, and the package is examplified and function successfully in Tai-chung county .The analytical result presents the eliminating pollutant of this project 2004 is 243Ton/yr.The elimination amount is less than last several years .But if review the disqualified cases amout the inspection vehicles through this project,the percentage of year 2004 is 3 percents, the year 2003 is 1.3 percents Which indicates the handle quality is improved. This is main effort the project shall emphasize in the next year.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 振興發科技有限公司