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Title 推動含氟溫室氣體產業排放減量
Abstract 國際間對高溫室潛勢氣體(PFCs、HFCs及SF6)的管理要求日趨積極,在國內產業使用量亦逐年昇高,實有必要進行適當的使用管理及排放減量。此三種含氟溫室氣體(GHG)在國內多使用於經濟發展重點產業,包括半導體、光電、電力設施及鎂合金等產業,但由於其屬於較集中排放產業,因此若能有效管理,對於我國執行GHG排放管制措施,將會有顯著的成效。本計畫主要執行內容為推動我國使用含氟GHG相關產業之自願排放減量工作、協助建立本土化含氟GHG排放減量技術,並推廣國內相關產業使用管理及教育宣導工作。本年度達成工作計有:(1)環保署署於93年8月27日與台灣薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器產業協會(Taiwan TFT-LCD Association, TTLA)簽訂「全氟化物PFCs排放減量合作備忘錄」;(2)派員陪同我國產業協會出席全球光電及半導體產業協會工作小組會議,提供技術與管理策略相關諮詢協助,另配合我國代表團出席聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第十次締約國會議時,由TTLA發表我國產業自願減量成效;(3)蒐集研析國際政府部門及產業別之最新發展資訊,並派員出席於4月13-15日在美國華盛頓首府召開之「第15屆Earth Technology Forum」及12月1-3日在美國Scottsdale, Arizona召開之「the 3rd International Conference on SF6 and the Environment」,並發表我國含氟GHG產業概況及自願排放減量績效;(4)完成我國2003年含氟溫室氣體(PFCs、HFCs及SF6)進口、使用及排放量調查工作,掌握歷年成長趨勢及產業因應脈動;(5)實廠測試評估SF6替代品可行性,可由HFC-134a來替代SF6的使用,並實地訪視國內6個SF6使用排放場所;(6)辦理PFCs排放技術國際研討會及國內專家學者座談會,並於北中南三地舉辦三場次電力事業SF6使用排放減量觀摩會;(7)發行三期中英文電子季報(台灣含氟GHG排放減量成效),完成編撰印製三份含氟GHG技術手冊。建議仍應持續推動與台灣半導體產業協會簽署PFCs自願減量協議,並擴大SF6回收再使用的推廣工作,舉辦產業說明會加強電力事業對SF6的回收利用,並深入了解鎂合金新興產業的SF6使用排放,研擬適當排放減量措施。而對於資訊的收集與擴散更不可缺,協助國內相關產業掌握最新國際趨勢,並將國內動態及成果向國際社會宣揚。
EngTitle Promote fluorinated gases emission reduction
EngAbstract The requirements for the management of high green house potential gases(PFCs, HFCs and SF6) has gradually become more aggressive internationally. The utilization amount by the domestic industries is also increasing year after year. It is necessary to conduct suitable application management and emission reduction actually. These three fluorinated green house gases(GHG) are often used in major industries of economic development, including semiconductor, photoelectric, electric facilities and magnesium alloy industry etc. Because they belong more centralized emission industries, if they can be managed efficiently, it will have significant achievement for our country on executing GHG emission control measurement. The major execution content of this project is to motivate the voluntary emission reduction task for related industries using fluorinated GHG in our country, to help to create the domestic fluorinated GHG emission reduction technology, and to promote the utilization management and educational advertisement task for the domestic related industries.It is recommended to motivate for signing PFCs voluntary reduction agreement with Taiwan semiconductor industry continuously, and to expand the promotion task for the recycling and reclamation of SF6. To hold industrial demonstration seminar to enhance the recycling and reuse of SF6 by electric industry, and to deeply understand the utilization and emission of SF6 for new magnesium alloy industry, and to propose suitable emission reduction measurement. It is required for the collection and diffusion of information, to assist domestic related industries to grasp the newest international trend, and to advertise the domestic status and achievement to the international society.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院