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Title 調查評析國內工業污泥及廢蝕刻液再利用情形
Abstract 隨著台灣經濟成長、產業升級、工商業長期蓬勃發展,廢棄物產出方式亦隨經濟體質的變化轉變為以事業廢棄物為主。事業廢棄物的主要來源包括工業、農業、醫療等事業機構,種類成份複雜、型式及來源也隨之變得十分繁多,而且數量龐大,數倍於一般廢棄物。事業廢棄物中又以工業廢棄物之問題最為複雜,且仍在陸續成長當中。此次現場訪查國內200家工業污泥及廢蝕刻液產源和再利用機構,發現目前國內的工業污泥再利用產品多為製磚、堆肥等技術性需求較低的產品,加上近年來再利用技術的推廣,目前國內的再利用技術已成熟,相對國外再利用技術無太大提升空間。由於工業污泥皆為買方市場,因此,再利用機構對於污泥的來源要求較鬆,所以需加強工業污泥的管理,防範有害事業廢棄物以各項污泥項目混入,做為再利用產品造成環境二次危害。而廢蝕刻液為有價物質,其部分再利用產品為有價金屬,所以皆為賣方市場,由再利用機構付費,因此,再利用機構對於廢蝕刻液來源及原料品質會有相對的品質要求,出廠的產品也有相對的品質標準及制度,目前廢蝕刻液的再利用市場有良好的循環體系及產銷管道,較工業污泥的再利用市場單純。就蒐集到的國外資料發現,國外並無針對工業污泥及廢蝕刻液的再利用行為作法規的規範,再利用行為僅對一般廢棄物作規範,並無規範事業廢棄物的再利用行為,而國外目前對於工業污泥的再利用行為都鼓勵其回收再作為原料之用。
EngTitle Investigate on Reuse Situation of Domestic Industrial Sludge and Used Etch Liquid
EngAbstract As the developing of economy in Taiwan, the industry transformed from agricultural to industry oriented. Followed the industrial waste become the major source of whole wastes.The industrial waste was mainly from commercial production, agriculture and medical treatment activities with various composition and large amount which is times to general living waste.There were 200 waste producers and reuse organization been investigated during the project proceed. The reuse of industrial sludge is generally for products with low technical demand, such as brick and compost. With the popularization of the technology in recent years, the technology is moisture and not to have large improvement space from foreign ones. Because the industrial sludge is belonging to a buyer’s market, cause the reuse organization relatively less requirement to the source of sludge. In order to prevent illegal reuse and further environmental damage, the project suggests strengthening the administration of industrial sludge.The used etch liquid is the price material, and the products are valuable, thus the market is belonging to a seller’s market. The situation cause the reuse organization with higher quality demand to both material (used etch liquid) and products. There is well performed reuse system and sell channel at present.The foreign regulation and reuse behavior were different to the domestic system. There is an only regulation to the reuse of general waste, not for industrial waste. The advance countries encourage using industrial sludge as the raw material, rather than regulate to only industrial waste.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 惠元環保工程顧問有限公司