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Title 加油站設置真空輔助式油槍油氣回收設備功能抽測計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作內容分別為:(1)執行加油站設置油槍油氣回收設備功能抽測;(2)油氣回收相關宣導工作;(3)協助推動加油站油氣回收相關政策。200站氣油比檢測結果,油槍平均合格率為69%,其中有31%(58站)之氣油比檢測完全符合標準。52站氣漏檢測,有47站合格,合格率為94%。對於檢測不合格者,已發文要求加油站於期限內完成改善,並請加油站回覆改善結果及回傳設備廠商維修單,調查檢測不合格原因,以皮管積油(25%)為主要原因,其次則是馬達功率異常(17%)與馬達故障(13%)。50站協助改善成果,加油槍平均合格率由25%提升為98%:而氣漏協助改善共進行3站,全部合格。加油站改善合格最多之原因為清除皮管或加油槍積油與馬達或電子板吸力調整,其他原因尚有更換馬達皮帶與矽鋼片、更換故障油槍、更換皮管內之氣管、調整出油速度、清潔馬達、調整氣閥、更換脫離器與清除地下管線積油。200站氣油比檢測前後,VOCs之減量成效有203公噸/年。聯盟減量協商會共辦理11場,會中進行問題溝通與協調,聯盟均表示肯定環保署努力與支持政策推動,協商成效良好,對於聯盟公司提出之問題與建議將列入後續管理辦法編修之重要參考。而針對聯盟之管理方式分析比較,建議聯盟成立維護小組,並具備合格證照人員與檢測儀器,至少每3個月進行全系統之維護工作、自我檢測工作與站長教育訓練,對於相關文件有效彙整與建檔,針對缺失加強維護,並正確操作設備,定可使設備維持70%以上的合格率,及減少維護成本支出。10場次觀摩訓練會總計有312站/333人次參加,訓練會進行設備原理簡介、維護保養問題及排除方法、正確加油觀念及維護管理建置之建議,並至加油站現場進行檢測之訓練與故障排除示範。成果觀摩會改以計程車駕駛員為主要宣導對象,製作11萬張宣導單、541張宣導海報及警察廣播電台交通網進行電台宣導,宣導內容包含:認識強迫加油、加油槍自動跳停即加滿油及強迫加油危害環境與健康等觀念。依現場調查、檢測與本計畫執行成果,更新環保署加油站設備暨監測資料庫(與油氣回收宣導網站( GROUP/people.htm),提供一般民眾、環保局、加油站業者與相關人士之查詢。蒐集國外油氣回收設備最新發展及國外油氣回收政策推動法令和管制罰則等相關資料,並調查統計國內油氣回收設備效益及使用性,以提供環保署擬定有效管制策略與作為,改善加油站揮發性有機物逸散之問題。
EngTitle The Operation Performance Test of Phase II Vacuum Assist Vapor Recovery System in Gasoline Stations
EngAbstract (1)To execute the random check on the equipment efficiency test of Phase II vapor recovery facility from 200 Gasoline stations:The average qualified rate is 69% for gasoline nozzle samples. As to the test result of Air Leak check, there are 47 out of total 52 stations qualified for this check. The qualified rate is 94%. Inspecting the reason of disqualification, 25% of the failure results from the plugged vapor path by residual gasoline in the hoses, then 17% from motor power deficiency and 13% from motor failure. After the improvement measurement of the failure facilities are recommended and conducted by 50 stations’ assistance. The average qualified rate of gasoline nozzle samples is increased from 25% to 98%. The total reduced volume is 203 tons/year after these 200 stations’ assistance. The Alliance of Reducing Gasoline Stations’ Vapor Emissions arranged 11 Coordination Meetings for participants to understand more about government policies. All proposed issues and suggestions will be put into the important reference for the later amend on the public regulations and managements. (2) The related propaganda of this subject matter There are 10 Vapor Recovery Policy Guidance and Training Courses held for 312 stations/333 attendees. These courses even had the demonstration on site leak check training and trouble shooting.The main educated objects were taxi drivers who were guided by several public media channels such as leaflets, posters, Police Radio Station on Traffic Network for this topic. (3)To assist public section to implement Gasoline Vapor Recovery Control PolicyFor this part, it is expect to collect related regulations and working experience from foreign countries that have implemented the vapor recovery control policy and regulated the control policies for punishment. In addition to this, it will plan and prepare the guidance and documentation for TEPA to implement vapor recovery policy and the related measures in working schedule.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 祥威環境科技有限公司