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Title 廢機動車輛回收獎勵金審核執行專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫工作目標:環保署以回收獎勵金發放措施,鼓勵民眾將報廢車輛經由合格回收商進行資源回收作業,並確保廢機動車輛回收獎勵金申請件審查工作順利完成,且依公告回收獎勵金數額撥付予車主,將申請件之詳細資料建檔,以備查驗,另針對回收獎勵金無法順利寄達遭退回之申請件,進行後續追縱處理。本計畫工作內容:1.辦理廢機動車輛回收獎勵金之審查、建檔及造冊。2.辦理廢機動車輛回收獎勵金申請件之車籍資料查詢業務(向監理單位查詢車籍狀態),並針對重複申領(與環保署回收獎勵金歷史資料庫比對)或失竊車輛,需列管及自申請件中予以剔除。3.處理廢機動車輛回收獎勵金支票退回(含支票逾期、支票未寄達、支票誤植等)及匯款失敗之申請件複查及列印支票重寄明細表,並將資料函送環保署及回收獎勵金撥款銀行,辦理支票重寄或重匯工作。4.針對廢車回收商等相關人員舉辦廢機動車輛回收程序及廢機動車輛回收管制聯單使用規定說明會(至少四場以上)。5.建置廢車回收獎勵金申請件處理情形查詢網頁,其內容包含回收獎勵金申請相關規定、申請流程、回收商資料及審查核撥款進度等,並定期維護更新。6.設置專線電話,解答民眾有關申請回收獎勵金等相關問題。7.擬定廢機動車輛回收獎勵金支票退回,無法寄達件之解決方案及回收獎勵金之成本效益分析。8.駐署兩人,協助辦理統籌、聯繫及彙總統計分析工作,並對相關案件資料進行立即性之建檔維護。9.輔導回收商協助民眾辦理回收獎勵金申請相關事宜。10.辦理廢機動車輛回收管制聯單印製(由廠商負擔)、發放、控管、回收及建檔等作業。11.依環保署「高污染老舊機器腳踏車汰舊換新購買低污染噴射引擎機器腳踏車作業要點」之相關規定,辦理回收獎勵金歷史資料庫車籍資料比對,申請件須無重複申領且非失竊車輛,經審核、比對通過以列冊方式提報環保署。
EngTitle Discarding the motor vehicle recovery premium examines to carry out the project
EngAbstract This content of planning job: 1.Carry out the reviewing of discarding the motor vehicle recovery premium and create file and build the volume. 2.Carry out the car book stuff search business of discarding the motor vehicle recovery premium application piece, and apply for receiving(recover the premium history database ratio paraquinones with EPA) or steal the rolling stock to repetition, needing the line to take care of and the auto - applies for to pick and get rid of in the piece. 3.The treatment discards the motor vehicle recovery premium check to send back and the application of the remittance failure checks and prints out the check heavy send the detail table, and send letter of stuff to EPA and recovery premium appropriation banks, carrying out the check heavy send or heavy remit the job. 4.Aim at to discard the car recovery the business waits for the related personnel to hold to discard the motor vehicle recovery procedure and discard the motor vehicle recovery control duplicate usage specified instruction meeting. 5.The establishment discards the car to recover the premium to apply for a treatment situation to search the web page, its content includes to recover the premium to apply for related rule, apply for the flow process and recover business stuff and investigate to allocate funds the degree of progress etc., and periodical maintenance renewal. 6.Establish the special line telephone, answer the people the relevant application recovery premium waits for the related question. 7.The draw-up discards the motor vehicle recovery premium check to send back, can#t send to attain the solution of the piece and the cost efficiency analysis of the recovery premiums. 8.Halt two people of the office, help to carry out the orchestration, contact and gather to statistics the analytical job, and carry on to the related case stuff immediately the sex creates file the maintenance. 9.Guide to recover the business to help the people to carry out to recover the premium to apply for the related affair.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 玖揚環保工程實業股份有限公司