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Title 皮革業事業廢棄物清理技術調查及處理成效評估計畫
Abstract 本計畫係針對皮革製造業事業廢棄物清理現況進行調查評估,主要工作項目包括(1)針對皮革製造業產業體系進行問卷調查,建立事業廢棄物清理體系基線資料;(2)完成二十家皮革製造業事業廢棄物清理現況現場訪查作業;(3)完成十家廢棄物清理或再利用機構現場訪查作業,評估皮革製造業事業廢棄物委託處理或再利用成效;(4)皮革製造業事業廢棄物處理技術、管制標準與政策管理建議;(5)蒐集國內皮革製造業推動清潔生產措施與成效,並建議清潔生產指標;及(6)編撰皮革製造業事業廢棄物處理技術手冊及稽查作業手冊。
EngTitle Survey and Assessment of Waste Collection and Treatment Technology of the Leather Tanning Industry
EngAbstract This project is to conduct survey and assessment of waste collection and treatment technology of the leather tanning industry. The main tasks consist of (1) Survey on baseline data of industrial waste management system of the leather tanning industry. (2) Completion of plant audits on waste production, collection and treatment at 20 leather tanning plants. (3) Plant audit and assessment of treatment efficiencies at 10 institutions for treatment or reuse of leather tanning industry wastes. (4) Comments and recommendations on technology, policy, revisions or amendment on relevant regulations and criteria of treatment of leather tanning wastes. (5) Draft of a waste treatment technology manual and a plant audit manual for the leather tanning industry.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司