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Title 運用遙測技術應用於事業廢棄物管理
Abstract 本計畫歷經6個月,為國內首創以遙測技術應用於事業廢棄物監測管理作業。除蒐集、整理目前國內事業廢棄物非法棄置事件類型與現況處理流程外,亦使用空間分析技術,探討非法棄置事件與道路、聚落的空間關聯性,包括95%棄置場址與道路交集均落於700公尺內;95%棄置場址與聚落交集均落於900公尺內。更進一步將事業廢棄物棄置類型分為6類、棄置方式分為3類,並歸納整理不同遙測方式之適用性,依據此適用性,與建議改良之非法棄置事件處理流程,建置事業廢棄物監測管理系統,系統內容包含三部分:事業廢棄物非法棄置偵測系統、事業廢棄物非法棄置通報系統與事業廢棄物非法棄置查報系統。除此之外,更針對試辦縣市桃園縣觀音鄉、大園鄉、蘆竹鄉以及龜山鄉進行事業廢棄物監測管理系統之試辦工作,空中勤務總隊(航空器)聯合稽查之效率為15,501公頃/小時;UAV稽查效率為317公頃/小時,地面影像解像力為12cm。由結果可知遙測立體監測體系(主以福爾摩沙二號影像、航空器、UAV與地面查報)確實有助於針對現在發生中(現行棄置區)以及未來可能發生(潛在棄置區)的非法棄置行為進行有效監測管理,亦藉此提高非法棄置行為成本,達到遏阻效果,降低事業廢棄物非法棄置事件發生率。至於過去許多非法棄置掩埋案件,亦可透過歷史航照,協助掌握與還原當時現況,以作為管理單位後續整治之參考。依本計畫執行結果,估算推行於桃園縣全縣之年度成本約需98.48萬元,推行至全省約為2166.6萬經費。
EngTitle The application of remote sensing technology on industrial waste management
EngAbstract This project has gone through six months and is the first management system project of monitoring industrial waste aided by remote sensing technology in Taiwan. This project has not only collected and sorted the types and procedures of domestic industrial waste cases, but also has utilized the spatial analysis skill to investigate the relation among roads, towns and dumping sites. The conclusion is 95% of dumping sites are beside located within 700M of the roads and 95% of dumping sites are beside located within 900M of the towns.Furthermore, dumped industrial waste has been classified by six types, the approaches of dumping has been sorted by 3 ways. The procedure of illegal waste dumping has been induced by various remote sensing skills and has developed an industrial waste monitoring system. This industrial waste system includes detecting system, promulgating system and reporting system.Moreover, this project aimed to test some regions in Taoyuan County, including Guanyin, Dayuan, Luzhu and Guishan, have been checked by the industrial waste monitoring system. The efficiency of execution by the aircraft of the Air Duty Police was 15,501 hectors per hour and by UAV was 317 hectors per hour. The resolution of ground image was 12 meters. This showed a positive result that remote sensing monitoring system is helpful for monitoring illegal dumping. Introducing the Formosat-2 satellite image, UAV and ground investigation help the management system to monitor the past, current and future illegal behaviors detecting. This system will raise the cost of illegal dumping, decrease the cases of industrial waste dumping. This system also helps to identify the existing illegal dumping sites through historical aero-images. The annul cost to carry out the conclusion of this project in Taoyuan County is around NTD 984,800 and NTD 21,666,000 in whole Taiwan.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學