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Title 93年度桃園地區航空噪音監測分析與宣導計畫
Abstract 本計畫之工作將依計畫目標與工作項目之需求,建立各工作項目之執行,主要工作內容有九大項,主要包括:中正國航空站、空軍桃園基地及陸軍龍潭基地之申報資料查驗、巡查工作,並針對各機場進行航空噪音防制區之劃定或研擬,辦理移動式航空噪音監測與龍潭基地平行監測工作,GIS展示系統之維護更新與補助資料建置工作等。本計畫自九十三年五月起執行至九十四年四月止,針對各項工作之執行,皆已預定工作項目及進度完成。本計畫針對中正國際機場、桃園空軍基地及陸軍龍潭基地自93年第一季起各季之噪音監測網申報資料,進行各機場之申報資料匯整外,就九十三年一至十二月之各監測站航空噪音變化情形進行探討,並將各機場之申報資料定期更新於環保局噪音專屬網站中。針對中正機場周圍地區完成55點次之監測點,分別進行每點次十日之移動式臨時性航空噪音監測工作。其中有關觀音鄉大堀村及上大村其臨時監測結果已達第一級航空噪音防制區之劃定標準,將參考各測點之十日平均監測結果進行航空噪音防制之劃定檢討修正工作。針對中正國際機場、桃園空軍基地九十三年度之航空噪音防制區劃定檢討作業已提出修正草案,並已於十月十三日召開第一次劃定研商會進行討論。針對中正國際機場之劃定草案,目前已協助環保局考量各季等噪音線分佈範圍及配合中正機場周邊各村里之臨時監測結果提出九十四年度檢討修正之公告草案,並已於五月十三日進入公開閱覽程序。針對陸軍龍潭基地九十四年預定進行首次之航空噪音防制區劃定公告作業,本計畫已依各季該基地申報資料擬出劃定草案,並協助環保局完成公告作業。有關中正機場周圍各級航空噪音防制區內民眾航空噪音防制經費申請書之資料建置工作,有關九十二年度資料建置共計已完成桃園縣大園鄉、蘆竹鄉、觀音鄉與中壢市等地區4,086筆資料之建置工作,針對防音設施申請之住戶陸續進行人工現場座標定位及門牌拍照作業,現已完成2,015戶之定位拍照作業。有關中正國際機場、桃園空軍基地及陸軍龍潭基地各機場之各季資料審查作業及每季之機場巡查作業,皆依預定時程進行。
EngTitle 2004 Taoyuan Area Airport Noise Monitoring, Analysis and Promoting Project
EngAbstract Will set up the execution of every working project in accordance with the goal of the plan and demand for the working project in work of this plan, the groundwork content has nine great one, include: Examining the seasonal report of three airport (CKS airport , air force based and army Lung-tan base, to patrol and investigate working every season, and carry on the delimitation that the aviation noise defends the making area or grind and draft to every airport, handle the portable aviation noise and monitor the monitoring parallel to base, the GIS system maintenance upgraded and to establish of subsidy database of CKS. This plan was carried out till April of 2004 since May of 2003, directs against the execution of every work, have all already been scheduled to finish in working project and progress. During this project period had already summary the three airports monitoring seasonal report, which form Jan. 2004 to Dec.2004. And analyze the every season’s aviation noise effect and upgrade the declaration materials of every airport fixedly in exclusive websites. About the airport noise monitoring has been finished 55 points monitoring for 10 days continuity monitoring. Among these points, the report for Daijue village and Shangda Village of Guanyin Township has been over 60dB, which the standard for the first level aviation noise control zone, will to fit into the reference material of the delimit of airport noise control zone.During the work item for reviewing every airports control zone, the project group have draw up the draft plan according to the seasonal report by each airport and reference to the temporary monitoring data. And also handled the official convocation meeting to the Environmental Protection Agency at Bureau of Environment Protection Taoyuan Country finishing the announcement homework formally on May 13 , 2005 publicly ,The first edition for Lungtan Heliport noise control zoning planning range was included About the subsidy database materials construction works for CKS airport surroundings has been finished total 4,086 records for Dayuan township, Luchu township, Guanyin township, and Chunglicity township. Carry on artificial on-the-spot coordinate make a reservation successively to soundproof household that facility apply and number take a picture the homework, finish localization of 2,015 take a picture the homework already now. The CKS. airport, air force base and army Lungtan base airport seasonal report materials check the homework and airport of every season to patrol and investigate work one season for each airport, one goes on when all in accordance with the reservation
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 必凱科技股份有限公司