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Title 油品類儲槽系統土壤及地下水污染調查、驗證作業及整治工作等技術規範建置計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要包括四大工作成果:(一)研擬油品類儲槽系統污染調查與查證、驗證及緊急應變等之參考作業手冊或指引針對油品類儲槽系統之污染特性,研擬油品類儲槽系統污染調查及查證、緊急應變及查證、污染範圍調查、污染改善完成驗證、快速場址調查與評估技術及整治技術選取等六類參考作業手冊或指引,各手冊或指引內容係以環保機關之需求為主進行撰寫,且盡可能包含國內外應用實例,期能提供使用者於執行相關作業時有一入門之參考。(二)針對國內現行防止油品類儲槽系統污染土壤及地下水之相關法規研擬增修項目及配套措施初步針對「防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備管理辦法」及「地下儲槽系統防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備審查及監測紀錄填寫說明」進行檢討及提出初步增修建議;並研擬建立國內油品類儲槽系統測漏、調查及整治等專業機構認證及評鑑制度之推動方案。(三)執行污染改善完成油品類儲槽系統之驗證作業本計畫已完成臺北縣台亞新莊等共12座加油站之土壤及地下水驗證工作,總計共設置24口地下水標準監測井、57個地下水及48個土壤採樣分析。在本計畫所驗證之12座加油站當中,僅有1站之土壤或地下水檢測結果均低於污染管制標準,顯示大多數加油站之污染改善成效並不彰。(四)辦理本計畫成果研討活動及協助環保署辦理計畫相關業務本計畫共辦理三場次專家諮詢會議及二場次計畫成果研討會,並指派一員協助環保署辦理本計畫各項事宜,及完成13件以上之交辦事項及出席相關會議。
EngTitle The Plan for the Investigation, Verification and Remediation of Soil and Groundwater Pollution from Oil Storage Tank Systems
EngAbstract The 4 major achievements in this project are shown below:1. Preparation of reference manuals for the investigation, verification and emergency measures for countering pollution from oil storage tank systems Based on the characteristics of pollution from oil storage tank systems, the requirements of environmental protection agencies and numerous foreign and domestic examples, the following 6 types of reference manuals were prepared. Pollution investigation manuals Emergency measures and verification manuals  Pollution area investigation manuals Pollution remediation verification manuals Pollution site investigation and assessment manuals Remediation manuals2. Study and amendment of current laws and regulations relating to pollution prevention from oil storage tank systems One of the purposes of this project was to study and prepare the amendments to the “Management Measures for Facilities and Monitoring Equipment for the Prevention of Groundwater Pollution” and “Review and Monitoring Record Report Preparation Guide for Facilities and Monitoring Equipment for the Prevention of Oil Storage Tank Systems Groundwater Pollution”. This project was also to study and prepare measures for the promotion of certification and appraisal systems for investigation, leak detection, and remediation of storage tank systems by professional agencies.3. Verification of the pollution remediation of oil storage tank systemsThis project was also to verify the pollution status of the soil and groundwater of 12 gas stations, including Tasya- Shinjhuan, by setting up 24 standard groundwater monitoring wells, and analyzing 57 groundwater and 48 soil samples. The analysis showed that only 1 station had met the pollution control standard, thus proving that the pollution remediation for most of the gas stations had not been performed well.4. Two seminars were held to publicize the project findings, three expert consulting meetings were convened, and assistance was given to the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in performing project related activities
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司