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Title 環保統計資訊系統九十二年度功能增修-資料庫網際網路報表查詢功能
Abstract 一、專案目標:本專案之目標為透過環保統計資訊系統,增加外界使用者可經由網際網路以瀏覽器依統計期查詢公務統計報表及統計項等統計資料之功能,俾利一般使用者及專家學者能更快速、正確、彈性及方便的取得完整之統計資訊,以供各種統計分析之研究參考。二、工作項目及成果:(一)完成網際網路報表查詢功能提供外界可經由網際網路查詢本署之公務統計報表,並可由使用者自行選取表號及統計期以產生各報表之PDF檔、JPG檔及CSV檔。(二)完成網際網路統計資料動態查詢功能提供外界使用者由網際網路以瀏覽器方式,依統計期、統計項及複分類(縣市別)交叉動態查詢統計資料內容,查詢之統計項亦可由承辦人員自行彈性調整設定。三、特色及效益:(一)簡易之操作介面:提供使用者藉由瀏覽器以非常簡易的點選方式即可查詢內容。(二)強大之輸出處理功能:使用者可選擇影像檔、PDF檔及CSV檔等三種方式輸出報表;或選擇統計項、複分類與統計期交叉等六種不同輸出模式輸出統計結果。(三)彈性之功能設計:提供多角度之報表挑選功能及排序處理,及依統計期、統計項及複分類彈性交叉組合查詢,以滿足使用者各類之需求。(四)具備未來之擴充性:提供承辦人員可自行依業務需求隨時增刪修網頁上供查詢之公務統計報表、統計項及複分類項目功能,達到未來擴充之彈性,大幅降低未來維護成本及時間。(五)高效率之處理:提供批次預先產生查詢報表及統計期之報表功能,可減輕主機之查詢負荷並達到查詢之高效率。(六)安全性之處理:本系統在相關環境設定、權限管制、程式開發處理及定期備份各方面均有特殊處理考量,期以降低網際網路駭客族入侵之機會,並可確保資料庫發生異常時能快速回復。
EngTitle Revision and Addition of the Environmental Protection Statistical Information System in 2003-- Online Report Search Function of the Database
EngAbstract 1.Project Objective:The objective of this project is to allow external users to search for official statistical reports and statistical information online via the environmental statistical information system. 2.Tasks and Accomplishments:a.Complete online report search function:Allow external parties to search official statistical reports of the Agency. Users can select the report number and statistical period to generate PDF, JPG and CSV files of the different reports.b.Complete online statistical data status inquiry function:Allow external parties to inquire about the statistical data according to the statistical period, statistical items and by cross-tabulation of double categories information using the Internet and browser. Staff in charge can flexibly set the items to be inquired.3. Features and Benefits:a.Simple operating interface: User can search the content by clicking and selecting on the browser.b.Powerful output processing function: User can select from three different ways of generating the report. As well as user can choose to generate the statistical results by six different generating modes. c.Design of flexible functions: Offer a variety of report selection and sorting methods and flexible cross-tabulation combinations to satisfy different needs of the users.d.Scalability in the future: Staff in charge can add, remove or edit the official statistical reports, functions available online for inquiry according to the needs of the operations to achieve flexibility of a scalable system in the future. This also reduces the maintenance costs and time greatly.e.Highly efficient processing: By generating batches of reports and statistical periods searched in advance, this reduces the search burden of the main system and result in a highly efficient search function.f.Secure processing: Special features have been included into this system including the environmental settings, authority control, program development and regular backup to reduce the probability of Internet hackers disrupting the system.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 統計室
ExecutingOrg 金諄資訊股份有限公司