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Title 『新世紀人力發展』『農地釋出方案』政府政策環境影響評估範疇之研擬
Abstract 經由本計畫的執行,一則經由政策之替代方案及環評之「範疇界定」階段,及簡化「新世紀人力發展方案」、「農地釋出方案」二政府政策相關單位準備環評之時間與精力,並增進其他政策模擬之環評的執行效率。一則經由國外政策環評資訊的蒐集,重新調整政策之環評計畫,使政策執行較有邏輯性、一致性及增加效率
EngTitle The Simulating of the “Scoping” stage of SEA of “The Strategy of Human Power Development in the New Century “ and “ The Strategy of the Release of Agriculture Land”
EngAbstract From the proceeding of this project, we could go through the “Scoping” stage of SEA of “The Strategy of Human Power Development in the New Century “ and “ The Strategy of the Release of Agriculture Land”. And this project had collected the information of SEA of other countries. SEA is the formalised, systematic and comprehensive process of evaluating the environmental effects of a policy, plan or programme and its alternatives, including the preparation of a written report on the findings of that evaluation, and using the findings in publicly accountable decision-making. Then it could simplify the stages and related works in SEA.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 台灣大學農業經濟研究所