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Title 加油站設置真空輔助式油槍油氣回收設備功能抽測計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作內容分別為:(1)執行加油站設置油槍油氣回收設備功能抽測;(2)油氣回收相關宣導工作;(3)協助推動加油站油氣回收相關政策。全省350站氣油比檢測結果不合格率為24.1%,50站追蹤調查氣油比不合格率為33.5%。氣油比不合格原因,以皮管積油(18.5%)為主要原因,其次則是油槍漏油或積油(13.9%)和馬達故障(13.0%),皮管及油槍積油皆是強迫加油、未定期清積油及維護頻率不足所致,而馬達故障的原因主要是馬達積油使功率負載過大當機。不合格加油站經發文改善,共複查35座加油站(36站次),不合格率由78.1%降低為30.6%,改善率47.5%。氣油比不合格率100%加油站則進行輔導改善作業,共輔導28座加油站(31站次),不合格率由100%降低為19.8%,改善率80.2%。完成九場次之設備維護保養和法規宣導說明會,共有510座加油站/560人次、各縣市環保局57人參加。更新400座加油站基本資料及油氣回收設備檢測結果(。設計製造「優良油氣回收加油站」標章110片、貼紙2,000張及宣導面紙盒10萬盒,以增加宣導油氣回收觀念之效果。並公開辦理優良油氣回收加油站評選及評選結果表揚宣導活動會。蒐集國外油氣回收設備最新發展及國外油氣回收政策推動法令和管制罰則等相關資料,並調查統計國內油氣回收設備效益及使用性,以提供環保署未來擬定有效管制策略與作為,改善加油站揮發性有機物逸散之問題。
EngTitle The Operation Performance Test of Phase II Vacuum Assist Vapor Recovery System in Gasoline Stations
EngAbstract This project has been achieved for 3 main items:A.Test the operation efficiency of Phase II vapor recovery facility from 400 Gasoline stations. The test result of 350 randomly selected samples, demonstrates 24.1% of total tested dispensing nozzle samples are not in compliance with the applicable standards. As to the test result of 50 the imparatively worse samples, demonstrates 33.5% of total tested dispensing nozzle samples are not in compliance with the applicable standards. After the improvement measurement, 35 stations of not in compliance with standards are re-tested and achieve a total failure rate from originally 78.1% to 30.6%. The 28 stations with 100% failure are conducted the repair or adjusting by facility maintenance personnel and under the supervision of project auditor, the result achieve a total failure rate from originally 100% to 19.8%. The result of vapor recovery system efficiency improvement in this project will achieve a VOC reduction of 225 tons per year. B.Provide maintenance, repair and operation guidance and training courses of vapor recovery system to gasoline stations There are 9 vapor recovery policy guidance and training courses hold for 560 attendance of 510 stations and 57 people from EPB among all districts. Maintain and update the information web site include testing result. And design distinguishing materials for propagation to people of Phase II vapor recovery system, include ‘excellent vapor recovery station’ labels of 110 pieces and symbol sticks of 2,000 pieces, as well as the facial tissue boxes of 100 thousands for the gifts to the refueling customers. Also the evaluaion and praise of stations have the excellent operation and system performance are conducted in public announcement. C.Accumulate the regulations and working experience from the countries that have implemented the vapor recovery control policy. Assist to plan and prepare the guidance and documentation for implementing vapor recovery policy and the related measures in working schedule .
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 祥威環境科技有限公司