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Title 環境影響評估書件電腦建檔(三)
Abstract 為推動環境影響評估書件電腦化,環保署於89年度完成環境影響評估書件查詢系統開發作業。自民國90年起推動電腦建檔計畫,針對審查完成之環境影響評估個案書件,以電腦建檔儲存於查詢系統,方便書件資料保存、傳送及維護管理。本計畫完成404件環境影響評估書件電子化建檔:全文掃瞄及個案摘要、基本資料之輸入。黑白文件掃瞄解析度為600dpi;彩色圖件則依字體及顏色數,選定解析度及色階數,以利瀏覽。為能於網路快速傳輸並提供線上瀏覽全文功能,每一案件以分章節方式存檔。資料庫之正確、完整性,決定系統建置是否成功。本年度針對環境影響評估書件查詢系統資料庫中580筆資料進行清查比對工作,其需修正之項目與數量,依資料輸入欄位先後順序為案名重複37件、案名短漏13件、開發單位空白84件、無開發面積及規模59件、無審查結論46件、敏感區皆未知162件、無PDF檔147件及其他45件。另將同一開發行為各階段環評案件編號予以串聯,並增列其連結功能,可於系統中直接點選、交叉查閱該開發行為各階段環評書件,提供更便利之整體檢視功能。環境影響評估書件查詢系統之維護及修改,係依據環保署環評案件管理業務執行之需求進行。
EngTitle The Computerization of the Final Environmental Impact Assessment Reports(三)
EngAbstract To promote the computerization of the Final Environmental Impact Assessment Reports, Environmental Protection Administration ever finished operating of inquiry system in these Reports. Since 2000, It has advocated the plan of making data for these Reports which have examined, saving the inquiry system to benefit storage, conveyance and maintenance.This plan has finished the task, 404 sheets, by making data in the electronic way: scanning the whole article and the summary of each file. In the former, the scanning resolution of the monochrome file is 600dpi. In addition, color illustrations based on word size and number of color apply proper resolution and number of color scale to benefit browsing.The maintenance and revision of the database of Final Environmental Impact Assessment Reports are proceeded according to demand of the execution of this plan.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 智通工程科技股份有限公司