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Title 台灣地區一般環境空氣中戴奧辛採樣計畫(Ⅱ)(北、東區)
Abstract 大氣環境中戴奧辛(Dioxins)的來源,除廢棄物焚化過程外,木材燃燒、車輛排氣、火災及工業製程如化學工業、金屬冶煉、紙漿加氯漂白等都可能產生戴奧辛。近年來鑒於廢棄物焚化廠排放戴奧辛問題的嚴重性,國內外針對焚化爐的戴奧辛排放特性與控制技術做了許多深入的研究。隨著行政院環保署於民國86、89及90年相繼公告了大、中型廢棄物焚化爐及煉鋼業電弧爐戴奧辛管制及排放標準後,各廢棄物焚化廠亦相繼採行有效的戴奧辛排放控制技術,使得未來垃圾焚化佔大氣中戴奧辛來源的比重可望降低,當焚化爐對大氣戴奧辛貢獻量逐漸下降之際,未來的焦點將逐步轉移至不確定污染源。包括:稻草焚燒、露天燃燒垃圾、廟宇祭典燃燒金紙、移動污染源等。將來若要釐清大氣環境中戴奧辛濃度之貢獻量何者較大時,則必須充分掌握該地區之特定污染源的排放資料,並建立環境中戴奧辛之背景資料庫等,以作為進一步評估戴奧辛管制政策的基礎。因此,有計畫且系統性地對大氣環境中戴奧辛的濃度進行採樣分析確有其必要性,以暸解並掌握戴奧辛對我國整體環境的危害風險,相關資料亦可作為改善空氣品質和規劃設計垃圾焚化廠的重要參考,以確保國人能免於遭受『世紀之毒』的危害。
EngTitle Sampling of Dioxins in ambient air in Taiwan(?)(North and East)
EngAbstract Dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) are generated in the combustion processes, many studies indicate that both municipal waste incinerators (MWIs) and the industrial activities containing combustion processes are important sources of PCDD/F emissions. Local studies indicate that dioxin in ambient air originates mainly from waste incineration processes. In addition to the waste incineration process, electric arc furnaces (EAFs) have been identified as major sources for PCDD/F emissions. Because of the oncoming policy of regulating PCDD/F emissions standard for EAFs in Taiwan, it is important to develop control technology for effectively reducing PCDD/F emissions from EAFs.Many studies on dioxin emissions from large-scale MWIs and EAFs will decrease, and it will be to stably control the emission concentration under the regulation limit.We will study on dioxin emissions from waste incinerating in ambient air. So we must study background of dioxin and some data about it. We sample dioxin in ambient air each season in Taipei, Taichung, Kaoshiung and Hulien. There four sampling places in the four citues.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 衛宇科技股份有限公司