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Title 機動車輛噪音防制技術研究(二)
Abstract 歐盟自2002年初開始管制輪胎噪音(“e”標誌),國內經過十年機動車輛噪音管制,車輛引擎及排氣等噪音亦降至一定水準,因此逐漸突顯對於輪胎噪音管制必要性,本計畫工作分為五項,(1)對於歐盟輪胎噪音管制與檢測方法進行研究分析,(2)輪胎噪音對加速噪音貢獻度評估,(3)以輪胎單體於動力計檢測噪音評估代表車選定原則,(4)輪胎製造廠商訪查及(5)評估採行歐盟輪胎噪音管制制度可行性等。歐盟依92/23/EC進行輪胎噪音管制,其主要特點為: C1等級(小客車用)輪胎噪音管制標準與胎寬相關;C1及C2等級輪胎參考車速為80 km/h、C3等級輪胎參考車速為70 km/h;輪胎噪音管制審驗與安全審驗雖同在92/23/EC內規範,但互相獨立認證,認證編號亦不相同,噪音以編號加註“s”方式與安全認證區分。第二項工作為輪胎噪音對於加速噪音貢獻度評估,完成小貨車、大貨車及大客車各一車次與小客車六車次之加速噪音(依據CNS 5799)、熄火滑行噪音及定速噪音檢測,輪胎噪音對於加速噪音所佔比重:小客車約22 ~ 47 %、小貨車約18 ~ 21 %、大貨車約7 ~ 11 %、及大客車約4 ~ 5 %。使用中輪胎(里程59630 km)噪音較新輪胎噪音提高約1 ~ 2 dB(A)。本項工作並評估車輛於50 km/h附近車速定速狀態噪音,此時輪胎噪音貢獻度較加速時提高,小客車類約達90%。第三項工作依據CNS 9480規範於實驗室內動力計上評估輪胎寬度對於輪胎噪音影響,測試樣本共109條,確認噪音與胎寬呈正相關。另以11種不同胎紋但相同規格之輪胎確認單體噪音,差異範圍約4 ~ 5 dB(A)。實車路試結果顯示路試輪胎噪音與實驗室輪胎單體噪音關係相似,而40、60、80及100 km/h等定速狀態,輪胎噪音對整車定速噪音貢獻度約90%以上,高速公路或高架道路車輛最常使用定速行駛,印證輪胎噪音管制對於高速公路或高架道路等周邊交通噪音抑制將有所助益。車輛與輪胎廠商對於輪胎噪音管制意見,主要對於管制對象為車廠或輪胎廠、施行時程、管制標準與政府提供之輔導獎勵方案等較關切。本研究結果顯示輪胎噪音對於高速公路與高架道路定速行駛狀態之交通噪音貢獻度高,因此確實必要管制輪胎噪音,而採行歐盟輪胎噪音管制制度可行性評估,國內現行噪音檢測機構對於型式認證應可符合檢測需求,建議環保署協調標檢局配合商品檢驗同時進行輪胎噪音檢驗與管制,輔導廠商配合建置噪音檢測能量,以因應批量檢驗需求,而施行時程建議與國際同步或稍晚施行,給予廠商因應時間,檢測方法建議採92/23/EC ANNEX V檢測方法。
EngTitle Study of vehicle noise control technique, II
EngAbstract In this study, there are 5 major items: (1) study and analysis on tyre noise control regulation in Europe; (2) evaluate tyre noise contribution on acceleration noise of motor vehicle; (3) check the rule about tyre width in of choice of represent vehicle for noise type approval application; (4) survey the status of the tyre manufacturer in Taiwan; and, (5) evaluate the possibility to move tyre noise control in Taiwan.First, reviewing the studies in tyre noise, the tyre noise dominates in speed range from 50 km/h to 100 km/h. It is surely, control tyre noise helps to reduce traffic noise on highway.The second item, following CNS 5799 standard, test acceleration noise and coast by noise of sedan, pickup, heavy truck and bus. In this working item, the noise emitted from vehicle under low engine load cruise status is also tested. The results show that: (1) for tested bus, tyre noise is 4 ~ 5 % in acceleration noise; (2) for tested heavy duty truck, tyre noise is 7 ~ 11 %; and (3) for tested pickup, tyre noise is 18 ~ 21 %; (4) for 6 cars tested, tyre noise is 22 ~ 48 % in acceleration noise. Nevertheless, the noise of tyre is almost 80 ~ 100 % in cruise at 50 km/h condition.Third, following CNS 9480 to test tyre noise on dynamometer in laboratory, the test results of 109 different tyres show the positive relationships between noise and tyre width. With 11 different patterns of tyre with same nominal size, tyre noise are different in range from 4 to 5 dB(A).Surveying and studying show that the tyre noise control is helpful for reduceing the communication noise beside high way. Therefore, tyre noise control is necessary absolutely. Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affair, is suggested to govern the tyre noise control for most tyre sold out in after service market. Authority in Taiwan could perform the tyre noise test and the capacity of testing is also capable.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人車輛研究測試中心