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Title 塗料及油墨揮發性有機物排放調查與減量策略規劃計畫
Abstract 本計畫計完成歐、美、日等各國表面塗裝及油墨印刷作業揮發性有機物排放係數、塗料及油墨溶劑VOCs相關管制規定等資料之蒐集彙整。並完成六家塗料製造廠(含公會)、四家油墨製造廠、十六家表面塗裝作業工廠,及七家油墨印刷工廠之現勘訪談,並針對塗料及油墨製造廠各回收七十份(回收率49.0%)及十八份(回收率47.3%)之問卷,依回收問卷整理所得,民國91年全國塗料總用量約為18.8萬噸;油墨總用量約為1.5萬噸。推估全國因使用塗料進行表面塗裝之VOCs排放量約在14萬噸/年以上;而使用油墨印刷所產生之VOCs排放量則約為12,000噸/年。對於塗料塗裝及油墨印刷VOCs排放減量策略部份,則規畫分為「排放基線調查」、「工廠輔導」、「市場競爭」及「法規管制」四大部分進行。藉「排放基線調查」建立塗料塗裝及油墨印刷VOCs排放資訊,做為驗證各項策略執行成效之基礎;以「工廠輔導」手段協助廠商提升污染源控制能力;利用「市場競爭」機制提升環保產品之競爭力;而透過「法規管制」規範污染行為,並落實VOCs排放減量。
EngTitle VOCs Emission Inventory and Reduction Strategy Study of Surface Coating and Printing Process
EngAbstract VOCs emission factors and regulations of surface coating and printing process in U.S.A, Europe, and Japan etc. were surveyed in the report. VOCs emission data of thirty three factories including six paint manufacturing factories, four ink manufacturing factories, sixteen surface coating factories, and seven printing factories were also investigated by interviewing directly. We summarized seventy questionnaires of paint production characteristic (Recovery rate is 49.0%) and eighteen in ink (Recovery rate is 47.3%), and estimated the production of paints and inks in Taiwan are about 188,000 tones and 15,000 tones during 2002. By results, we supposed that there are above 140,000 and 12,000 tones VOCs emitted each year by surface coating and printing process.It is suggested to EPA the VOCs reduction strategies in surface coating and printing industries which are by“VOCs Baseline Inventory”,”Pollution Control Consulting”,“Market Competition”, and“Regulation Control”. By “VOCs Baseline Inventory”, it could not only set up VOCs emission database but quantify the contribution of each VOCs reduction strategy after all. EPA could also help factories to develop their pollution controlling technology by ” Pollution Control Consulting”, and improve the competitiveness of low-VOCs-content products by levying a VOCs tax on products (“Market Competition”). Furthermore, setting a regulation of VOCs emission forces factories to match the VOCs reduction goals.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 工研院環安中心 徐樹剛 工研院環安中心 曹繼中 工研院環安中心 洪士文