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Title 運用紅外光遙測技術執行石化工業區污染監測計畫
Abstract 本計畫利用FTIR執行林園、大社及六輕等石化工業區周圍地區揮發性有機空氣污染物監測並督導工廠污染改善,同時應用FTIR可快速多物種分析的特性,協助突發事故現場空氣品質調查。在量測項目方面,已完成林園、大社及六輕工業區周圍地區共12個村落,上、下半年共計24條測線之量測,另完成清大化學系與頭份廢溶劑儲槽廠火災之突發事故現場空品調查。在創新作法方面,今年度利用OP-FTIR於下風處量測個別VOC之濃度,配合大氣擴散條件,估算石化工業區個別VOC之排放量,以評估污染減量與成本節省之效益。在量測結果方面,利用FTIR於石化工業區周圍地區進行多點之長時間連續量測,已建置完成各工業區特徵污染物清單,並釐清各工業區主要有害及臭味物種,以供後續管制之參考。各工業區所排放之有害及臭味物種,林園工業區以丁二烯與醋酸乙烯酯為主,大社工業區以丁二烯、丁酮、及二甲基甲醯胺為主,而六輕工業區之有害空氣污染物則以二氯甲烷為主。 在減量成效方面,依據「污染程度與協談方式分級制度」,本計畫已督導8家工廠進行污染改善,其中1家已規劃興建空氣污染防治設備預計明年完工,屆時將可有效改善大社工業區周圍地區之有害及臭味污染問題。
EngTitle The application of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR)remote sensing techniques in measuring air pollutants in petrochemical industrial parks
EngAbstract The project is to apply FTIR remote sensing techniques to continuously monitor VOCs emissions from petrochemical industrial parks. The main purpose is to identify types and sources of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) and odor substances, so that consequent pollution reduction measures can be taken. In addition, as FTIR has unique advantages of rapid, continuous, measuring compounds simultaneously, highly sensitive, and long distance measurement, it has become a useful tool for air quality investigation during chemical accidents. There were total 12 villages nearby the three petrochemical parks being measured by FTIR. Air quality investigations of two chemical accidents occurring in National Tsing Hua University and Tofen Industrial park were also complete in January and August respectively. The project has established the pollution inventory for three petrochemical industrial parks, and clarified the major HAPs and odor substance. Ten factories were identified as having accidental releases with chemicals including hydrogen cyanide, N,N-dimethyl formamide, 2-butanone, 1,3-butadiene, vinyl acetate, acrylonitrile, ethylene oxide, dichloromethane, ethylene and acetylene. Having the major emission sources identified, each factory was required to explain the cause of releases, and meanwhile propose a pollution reduction plan. A factory with insufficient efficiency on its VOCs abatement system was identified to continuously emit a great amount of HAPs and odor. The factory is planning to construct a RTO system to reduce the amount of HAPs and odor being emitted to the air. Emission rate calculation method was applied to evaluate economic benefits derived from pollution reduction to encourage further pollution prevention or control measures to be taken. Calculating emission rates has assisted the factories to better understand the amount of loses related to accidental releases.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院環境與安全衛生技術發展中心