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Title 相招作伙打造美家園活動
Abstract 92.11.12於社子島辦理中華民國環保義工日活動,當日全國各縣市義工代表團隊於社子花市集合,並與當地各區接待團隊共同結盟,相招作伙.聚集群體力量,以提攜社子島地區民眾參與義工行動,一起進行環境綠美化.編製竹籬笆.掃街.撿除垃圾及河灘地生態復育等工作,為當地公共空間打造清淨美麗家園.
EngTitle National Environmental Protection Volunteer s Day
EngAbstract On the National Environmental Protection Volunteers Day on Nov.12, 2003, over 700 people gathered in Shei-zu Island, Taipei to joint effort in the ~“Caring for our Environment ~ the Action of cleaning, planting & beatifying our Home-yards”. 365 Volunteers came form 25 Cities & Counties in Taiwan, and 360 residents have swept the roadsides along the 3km main street, trimmed hedges and planted flowerbeds at 33 points, and have helped regenerating greeneries by planting along a section of Keelung riverside. During the Ceremony, the EPA director accented the meanings of the “Caring for our Environment Action”, and honored the representatives from each city for their long-term efforts. More people everywhere to joint the Volunteer’s activities as such were encouraged.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 台北市錫瑠環境綠化基金會