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Title 國際環保動態資訊蒐集及趨勢分析專案工作計畫
Abstract 環保署科顧室自1998年2月,即開始規劃利用網路,推動定期蒐集國際環保訊息工作。本年度計畫經公開招標後,於2003年3月12日正式簽約日起執行。本計畫之工作內容分為 (1) 蒐集、篩選、摘譯國際資訊;(2)分析國際環保趨勢;(3)協助傳播國際環保資訊等三部分。經統計至2003年11月21日止,共計37週執行成果,共篩選並摘譯國際環保訊息計1295則(37週),平均每週提供約35則譯稿,每週提報國際訊息週報共37次,每日發送國際訊息予訂閱之讀者,配合永續發展委員會開會提出國際訊息報告2次,及完成國際環保趨勢分析季報2次﹙第三次季報編印中﹚等,本公司提供之服務已能完全符合合約之要求。
EngTitle International environmental information collection and trend analysis
EngAbstract Nowadays, international environmental regulations are getting diverse and stricter, having a direct impact on related control measures and industries in Taiwan. Not only prompting environmental protection of internationalization has become government’s policy, also international environmental protection matters have increased dramatically. Gathering information about the international environmental protection dynamics will therefore help international cooperation with other countries. In February 1998, the EPA planned to use Internet, and so as to perform regular collection of international environmental protection news. On March 12 2003 the project was conducted after the public bid ended.According to the contents of the contract signed, the project are divided into three parts, as follows: (1) collection, selection and translation of international news; (2) analysis of international environmental protection trend; (3) Assistance in promulgating international environmental protection news. During the 8-month project implementation, there were in total, 1295 pieces of news selected and translated, and there were 37 issues of international news weekly published. On average, 35 articles translated were provided for the EPA each week. Daily international news was distributed to subscribers, and 2 reports on the news were presented in coordination with the meeting of the Sustainable Development Committee. Moreover, 2 issues of analysis periodical of international environmental protection trend were published. It is concluded that Hui-Kou Consulting Co. has accomplished the mission in accordance with the contract signed.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 惠國顧問股份有限公司