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Title 台灣地區臭氧與懸浮微粒預報模式建立及生成與傳輸機制分析
Abstract 本研究計畫是由中央研究院與國內七所大學相關領域之教授及研究人員共同執行。主要的研究目的在於暸解控制台灣地區臭氧及懸浮微粒生成與分佈的機制。研究重點為進行一項完整、深入的觀測實驗,而此實驗同時亦有模式模擬的配合解釋,進一步發展出針對臭氧及懸浮微粒的台灣地區空氣品質預報模式。本計畫預訂執行期間為兩年,茲就第一年(2003)的主要發現及研究結論列述如下:1. 2003年春季北台灣地區總共觀測到四次比較顯著的亞洲沙塵傳輸事件:分別發生於1/23、2/20、2/25及3/28。但是沙塵的濃度不高,並未對整體空氣品質造成顯著的影響。2. 2003年春季伴隨東北季風而來的空氣中經常含有高濃度的氣膠污染物,並對背景地區(石門及澎湖)的氣膠濃度與化學特徵造成顯著的影響。以此推論源自中國大陸的空氣污染物長程傳輸是在東北季風盛行期間影響台灣北部空氣品質的關鍵因子之一。空氣胞逆軌跡分析的結果顯示:空氣胞的傳輸途徑及傳輸過程中大氣邊界層內混合作用的強度是決定長程傳輸的氣團中是否含有源自中國大陸之空氣污染物的關鍵機制。3. 本研究於夏季(5-8月)的觀測資料顯示台澎地區的大氣氣膠濃度均較春季為低,主要成份為硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽及碳,顯示夏季的大氣氣膠主要源自本地的空氣污染。4. 台南測站的觀測資料顯示硫酸鹽的濃度與當日臭氧的濃度呈現高度的正相關,顯示在南台灣光化學反應是重要的氣膠生成機制,屏東地區在同一時期的雲量及降雨較多,可能是導致當地二次氣膠生成現象較不顯著的因素。5. 本研究中對臭氧生成及傳輸機制的模擬結果顯示:當颱風在台灣東方的洋面向北通過,其氣旋所帶動的風場加強了此時台灣地區東北季風的風速,較大的風速使得北方的臭氧得以傳送到達高屏地區,導致較高的背景臭氧濃度。此外,颱風的次環流影響會使得台灣地區天氣非常晴朗炎熱,並誘發旺盛的光化學反應,導致臭氧濃度急遽上昇。今年度9月量測期間高屏地區濃度最高的臭氧前驅物種為ethene,其它濃度較高的物種有ethyne、toluene、isopentane、n-butane、propane、ethane等, 此結果與去年度10月份分析數據及先前其他類似研究相似。在考量各別VOCs之光化學反應活性後,今年9月量測期間則以ethene、xylene、toluene、 iso-prene與propene等物種對於高屏地區臭氧生成佔有最重要的影響性。7. 本研究中採用VOCs/22DMC4特徵比值進行主要臭氧前驅物種來自於交通與非交通污染源所佔比例之推估,結果顯示高雄都會區的大氣中ethene、toluene、propene各約有52%、33%、41%來自於非交通源排放。這也顯示非交通源排放對於高雄都會區臭氧前驅物及臭氧生成的重要性。
EngTitle formation and transport of particulate matter and ozone in Taiwan
EngAbstract Based on the research works conducted in 2003 we report the following major findings.1.Four Asian dust events were observed in north Taiwan in the spring of 2003.2.Noticeable levels of particulate pollutants were found in the long-range transported air parcels. This suggested that long-range transport of air pollutants that originated in east China is one of the key factors affecting the air quality in north Taiwan in the season of prevailing northeasters.3.The PM10 concentration over Taiwan in summer is lower that that in springtime. The major constituents of PM10 include sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, and carbon. The composition suggests that the particulate pollutants are mostly contributed by local pollution.4.Daytime sulfate concentration in aerosols strongly correlates with ozone in Tainan, indicating the contribution of photochemical or secondary sources to the aerosol burden should be important in southern Taiwan.5.According to the simulation of ozone episodes, strong northeasters can be induced by a typhoon, as it passing through the west Pacific Ocean. As a result, more ozone can be transported from the mid-latitudes to southern Taiwan. In addition, the secondary circulation of typhoon can cause extremely clear skies over Taiwan. Photochemical reactions can be enhanced by the strong UV radiation and result in drastic increases of ozone levels.6.Based on the intensive measurement of VOCs during two ozone episodes in autumn of 2003, ethene, xylene, toluene, isoprene and propene are major precursors of ozone in the Kaohsiung-Pingtung area.7.The ratios of specific VOCs vs. 22DMC4 are proposed as a useful tool for apportionment of the VOC between traffic and non-traffic sources. The results of this work show that the non-traffic contributions to ethane, toluene, and propene are 52%, 33%, and 41%, respectively, implying the importance of non-traffic emission of the ozone precursors to the formation of ozone in Kaohsiung-Pingtung area.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 中央研究院地球科學研究所