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Title 南部地區懸浮微粒監測與超級測站規劃評估
Abstract 微粒超級測站之建置對於微粒所造成的區域健康風險評估、人體暴露評估、大氣氣膠物化特性、受體與來源的關係、衍生性反應機制探討以及未來空氣品質模式之驗證與應用等,均有極其正面的效益。然而超級測站建置前,需先就站址當地區域進行一系列的背景分析,諸如懸浮微粒之成分特性分析、以及衍生性反應之前驅物相關性分析等,方可提供超級測站所需的儀器選擇與站址擇定等重要參考之依據。為提供微粒超級測站所需要的背景資料,本計畫預計達成下列目標:1.分析探討南部地區懸浮微粒PM10與PM2.5之成分,並對農業燃燒進行監測;2.探討以β-gauge濾紙進行化學成分分析之可行性,並將人工採樣樣品與本署檢測濾紙上之粒狀物做比對分析;3.於高臭氧季節進行懸浮微粒之成分與粒徑分佈、H2O2、HCHO與HNO3等光化學產物之監測;4.南部地區懸浮微粒超級測站之設站評估。 例行性採樣是以長期、持續且多點同步的微粒採樣計畫有助於瞭解採樣區域內微粒長期的一般特性,由質量濃度中發現,各測站差異並不大,在大寮站之懸浮微粒濃度是最高的,陰陽離子濃度中,NH4+、NO3-及SO42-是懸浮微粒PM10及PM2.5主要的物種。密集採樣發現楠梓站與大寮站之PM2.5濃度最高,均達70 μg/m3以上,高於美國環保署PM2.5之24小時平均值濃度標準,PM2.5濃度最低位於阿蓮站,大寮站之三小時平均PM2.5濃度部分高於100 μg/m3,甚至高達145μg/m3。H2O2之量測結果,台南站H2O2濃度值介於0.11~3.90 ppbv,大寮站之濃度介於0.26~2.47 ppbv,兩測站之變化趨勢類似,均於中午到下午二點之間有大值,HNO3(g)最大濃度值均發生於正午間,為光化反應所造成,HNO2(g)則於夜間較高。 舊型β-gauge濾紙之空白(blank)分析結果,相對於37 mm之石英(quartz)與鐵弗龍(teflon)濾紙,其各物種空白背景濃度有相當大的差異性,基本上β-gauge濾紙之空白測試,背景濃度值都是較高的,尤其是Na+、Cl-、NO3-、SO42-等四個分析物種,其在特殊條件、環境下,即有高污染現象,分析其離子成分濃度應是可行的。新型濾紙中Na+之背景濃度是最高的,其他成份離子是在可接受範圍內,但濾紙僅是未採樣之空白背景值,未考慮到採樣時滾筒狀捲動,樣品之間互相重疊與樣品相互干擾的可能性。 關於超級測站評估,因污染物主要的排放源位於高雄市及高雄縣兩大地區,由於大氣條件等因素影響,導致在大寮與潮洲地區量測到污染物濃度是較高的,在監測的污染物中,對於微粒超級測站的建立應該有主要之中心監測站以及鄰近衛星監測站,地點的選擇建議中心監測站為大寮,衛星測站為橋頭站、前金站與潮州站,監測物種包括懸浮微粒化學組成與粒徑分佈外,更需要對於微粒前驅物與光化反應之產物進行監測,在氣態前驅物應該包括SOx、NOx、NMHC與NH3,氣態生成物有O3、NOy、HNO3、HNO2、H2O2與HCHO。
EngTitle The Measurement of Ambient Particles and Assessment of PM Supersite in Southern Taiwan.
EngAbstract PM supersites have been established in the United Sates to study the characteristics of the ambient aerosol, the source and receptor relationship, the impact on health, the formation mechanisms of secondary aerosol, and the comparison among various measurement methods. The air quality in southern Taiwan has been the worst among the seven air basins in Taiwan. Therefore, the purposed of this study are:1.To investigate the chemical compositions of the ambient particles in the southern Taiwan;2.To evaluate the feasibility of using the filters of beta-gauge monitors, which are used in the ambient air quality monitoring station, for chemical analyses;3.To conduct field campaign for PM, H2O2, HCHO, and HNO3 during strong photochemical reaction periods;4.To assess and to plan the establishment of PM supersite in southern Taiwan.The chemical compositions of particles were measured by routine samplings of PM2.5 and PM10 at four different sites simultaneously. The samplings were conducted every six days and the duration of each sampling was 24 hours. The four sites were Tainan, Nanzu, Chunking, and Dailow, and were collocated with the EPA ambient air quality monitoring stations. The greatest PM concentrations were observed at Dailow, which was also obtained from the routine beta-gauge monitoring. The dominant chemical species for both PM2.5 and PM10 were sulfate, nitrate, and ammonia. Similar results were also found during the intensive field campaign in October. Note that the three-hour average PM2.5 concentrations at Dailow may be greater than 100 ug/m3. The concentrations of H2O2 were from 0.11 to 3.9 ppbv and 0.26 to 2.5 ppbv at Tainan and Dailow, respectively. The peak H2O2 concentrations were always around noon to 2 o’clock in the afternoon. The peak concentrations of HNO3 were also around noon due to its formation from photochemical reaction but the diurnal cycle of HNO2 was contrary to that of HNO3.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人成大研究發展基金會