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Title 噪音管理系統開發計畫
Abstract 台灣地區將噪音納入環境保護法規管制範圍內,並據以施行管制措施已近二十年,對於環境品質之改善及提昇已有極為顯著之成效。環保署現辦理「噪音管理系統開發計畫」,將陳情及稽查等相關噪音管理業務電腦化,以加速我國噪音管理業務之推動。藉由本網際網路版管理系統之建置,環保署可有效掌握各縣市環保局之噪音管理執行績效,自動彙整各縣市環保局之噪音業務考核資料,快速產生各項全國性統計報表,作為未來擬定噪音管理、決策方案之參考,以電腦化加速噪音管理實務之推動。各縣市環保局藉噪音管理系統設計之業務管理功能,迅速、確實地掌握噪音相關資訊,達到整合噪音陳情、稽查、監測業務考核及實際協助縣市有效管控噪音業務之推行。並自動產生各項噪音管理公務報表及匯出資料庫,以增加業務執行效率及資訊再運用,方便資料上傳至環保署。本計畫配合調整更新噪音管制全球資訊網,透過網際網路適時傳輸更詳實且即時之噪音管制相關資訊,提供各界參考、研究、查詢與應用,以達資源共享之目的。
EngTitle The Noise Control Management Application Development
EngAbstract In order to improve accuracy and prompt data processing and data transporting in Noise Control management. EPA begin to computerize the Noise Control management works, and conduct a “Noise Control Management Application Development” Project.This project includes three tasks: (1) collect and analyze Noise Control management laws, regulations and works to understand the application’s need; (2) develop and construct the application system; (3) check the application, educate users and provide one year system maintenance.The application is developed in ASP.NET language in Microsoft Dot Net Framework. It is a web-base application. The database is set in an Microsft Windows 2000 Server of EPA. Clients are Bureau of Air Pollution Control in EPA and local environmental agencies. Users can browse and exchange data to EPA by INTERNET using the Microsft Web Browser IE.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 智通工程科技股份有限公司