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Title 高速鐵路噪音、振動之研究
Abstract 台灣高速鐵路即將完工通車,由於其行車速率達每小時三百公里,對環境噪音及振動之衝擊,有需要進行研究,以便及時訂定管制標準。歐美及日本在過去二十年間亦曾做過此類研究。本研究即在分析比較國外的管制做法,針對高鐵噪音振動之物理特性,利用人體工學資料,找出適合國內情況之評估指標與環境影響量表,以作為進一步訂定管制標準之參考依據。本研究計畫進行一年(92年1月1日至92年12月31日)。由蒐集國際高速鐵路噪音、振動管制法令、政策及防治措施相關資料,以及各種高速鐵路噪音、振動量測與評價標準,加以比較分析。並擬定我國目前興建中之高速鐵路未來在噪音、振動之標準量測方法與管制之對策、措施及規範。其次,探討影響高速鐵路噪音、振動量傳遞及衰減之原因,建立高速鐵路噪音、振動之推估模式及評估指標,以及對人體、建物及工廠機械之影響,作為我國研修環境音量標準中高速鐵路交通噪音標準之參考。計劃執行中,模擬評估了國內未來高速鐵路噪音、振動之影響,並推估可能遭遇之陳情型態,提供地方環保單位作為未來處理高速鐵路噪音、振動陳情案件之參考。同時舉辦三場諮詢座談會議,廣納學者專家、交通部高速鐵路工程局、台灣高速鐵路股份有限公司、各縣市政府環保局等各方意見。期望本計畫之成果更臻周全可行。
EngTitle The Study of Noise and Vibration from High Speed Rail System
EngAbstract Owing to the oncoming accomplishment of the Taiwan high speed rail transportation (HSRT), it necessitates to investigate the environment impact from the noise and vibration (NV) of the train passing-by a speed of 300km/hr. In the past two decades, such kind studies have been carried out by Europe, USA and Japan. The aim of the project is basically concentrated on the comparative analyses of the countermeasures planned by the related countries regarding impact of NV generated by HSRT. Stemming from the human response data and the physical characteristics of the NV of HSRT, the assessment index and environment impact criterion can be worked out for further drafting regulations suitable for the domestic application.This one year project encompasses the material collection and comparative study related to the regulations, policies and countermeasures about the NV of HSRT of disparate countries. Then propose the standard method of measurement and draft the directory regutalions.Secondly, the factors that influence the propagation and decay of the NV of HSRT are discussed and the assessment model and index are suggested. Also, the operation process with respect to the future appeal cases is simulated and studied for future application reference.Three consultative meetings have been held during the research period. Many issues and openions of the experts and scholars from Universities, the Bureau of High Speed Rail, Taiwan High Speed Rail and the local environment protection bureaus of city and conunty governments have been discussed and taken into considerations. In such a way, it is envisaged to make the conclusions of this research to be sound, feasible and more reasonable.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中華民國振動與噪音工程學會