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Title 空氣品質預報輔助系統維護專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫之目的在改進空氣品質預報技術,以協助環保署提高空氣品質預報(尤其是空氣污染預警)之準確度。同時並對預報系統之軟體介面、資料傳輸進行維護,並更新各預報法之基礎資料庫。計劃之工作內容包括: 1. 維護現有預報輔助系統功能,配合電腦硬體設備升級,更新、維修預報系統軟體介面以及網路自動傳輸指令。 2. 維護現有空氣品質預報輔助系統氣候法、持續法、類比法及複迴歸法,使之順利運作於預報輔助系統之軟、硬體。每年更新各預報區之相關資料庫,並具之修改預報方程。 3. 更新89年至90年類比法空氣品質不良個案比對資料庫,並對空氣品質預報輔助系統類比法介面同時進行修改。 4. 依據客觀預報法,在各預報區空氣品質及高污染預報結果進行評估,並根據評估結果改進預報系統。妥善利用前數項之改進方法,以期提升空氣品質預報準確率至75%以上。 5. 對91年空氣品質監測資料進行統計分析,以瞭解空氣品質變化機制以及預報改進之參考依據。 6. 由專業人員協助每週空氣品質預報檢討作業與相關資料彙整。
EngTitle The maintenance of air quality forecast supply system
EngAbstract The main goal of this project is to maintain, as well as to improve, the air-quality forecasting auxiliary system (AQFAS) of the Environmental Protection Administration. Specific tasks include: (1) Maintain proper operation conditions of the AQFAS, including the software interface and automatic network data transfer, and its compatibility during upgrades of new hardware or operation system; (2) Maintain the proper functioning of the forecasting modules (CLIPER, weather analogy method and multiple regression method); update the annual statistical data bank and revise the forecasting modules accordingly; (3) Update the data bank for the weather analog module and the decision tree system interface; (4) Evaluate the results of each forecast module and for each air quality area, and use these evaluation as a guidance for further improvement of the forecasting auxiliary system with a goal of 75% forecasting accuracy; (5) Analyze the 2002 monitoring data for better understanding of the characteristics and trends of air quality and the improvement of the forecasting results; (6) Provide a professional to station in the operation center and assist the weekly assessment of forecast results.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學