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Title 飲用水水質標準中生物性及適飲性標準管制項目及標準之評估
Abstract 本計畫致力於飲用水水質標準中生物性及適飲性管制項目及標準之評估,(評估項目包括:大腸桿菌群、總硬度、總溶解固體量、氨氮、臭味物質、酚類等),並調查評估飲用水中鹵乙酸消毒副產物並檢討納入管制之可行性。最後,對於先進國家已有使用但國內尚未公告之飲用水水質處理藥劑(至少五種),作為公告之參考,以增進淨水處理效能與管線壽命。工作內容包括:(1)評估飲用水水質標準中生物性及適飲性管制項目及標準。(2) 調查評估飲用水中尚未納入管制之污染物質(包括含鹵乙酸消毒副產物)並檢討納入管制之可行性。(3)建議增加公告(至少五種)飲用水水質處理可添加藥劑種類。
EngTitle Assessment of Microbial &Acceptable Items of Drinking Water standard
EngAbstract This project is dedicated to review and modify the microbial aspects, acceptability aspects in the current drinking water quality standards, including total coliforms, total hardness, TDS, odorous matters, ammonia nitrogen and phenols, and to assess the feasibilities of adding regulation items, such as pathogens and HAAs, in the drinking water quality standards in Taiwan.The results of this project suggested that the maximum contamination level (MCL) of total coliform is changed to “must not be detectable” in any 100-mL sample, and the item of fecal coliform should be promulgated and regulated as “must not be detectable in any 100-mL sample”. For the aspects of acceptability, the original MCLs of total hardness and TDS are reformed to 250mg/L (as CaCO3) and 450 mg/L, respectively, and the maximum contamination level goals (MCLGs) are set as 150 mg/L (as CaCO3) for total hardness and 250 mg/L for TDS. Meanwhile, the MCL of phenol is set as 0.002 mg/L so that the standard value is higher than the detection limit and is more reasonable. As for the HAAs, it is suggested to follow the criteria of the stage 1 D-DBP Rule of USEPA: five haloacetic acids (HAA5) should not exceed 0.06 mg/L.For the revise and augment of additives in the water treatment industries, five chemicals are suggested to be regulated, including calcium oxide, sodium carbonate, sodium chlorite, sodium silicate and calcium chloride.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學環境工程學研究所