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Title 都市地被植物之選擇與應用方式對改善空氣品質之影響
Abstract 地被植物種類繁多,應用於景觀綠化上,應依其機能、環境因素、所需展示之成果等加以選擇,使地被植物的功能,不僅只限於觀賞,而且具有減少塵土飛揚、淨化空氣等改善環境的機能。本計畫擬先從事目前都市地被植物應用現況調查,確定目前常用的地被植物種類,以及具潛力之地被植物,探討地被植物的種類和配置方式對綠化地點的空氣品質之影響,評選出合適的地被植物種類和配置方式。現地調查地被植物的種類和配置方式對空氣品質之影響,地被植物平均總滯塵率為33.5 %,去除距離效應,淨滯塵率平均值為17.3 %。在配置方式上以植物種類多樣、立體結構明顯、綠帶寬度大,即喬、灌、地被明顯的立體結構,或複層灌木、配合覆蓋度高的地被植物,其整體的淨化效果最好。針對常見地被植物進行滯塵量分析,在相對滯塵量上以彩葉草、馬纓丹、腎蕨(葉表粗糙、有皺褶),黃金金露華、紅莧、六月雪、黃帝菊(葉片小而粗糙),合果芋、蚌蘭、非洲鳳仙花(葉片硬挺或具黏性物質)具有較高滯塵量。此外,植物的葉面積指數亦為影響單位種植面積滯塵量的決定因素,在滯塵效果上,以葉面積指數具有較大影響力。其中以黃金金露華、鵝掌藤、馬纓丹、黃帝菊、南美蟛蜞菊、合果芋、彩葉草、矮仙丹、百慕達草、六月雪等具有較高單位種植面積滯塵量。另外,葉片於溼潤狀態上較之乾燥狀態可提高4.1~22.9倍的滯塵量。地被植物雖然具有相當的滯塵作用,但在塵埃覆蓋其葉片上仍會降低其光合作用,進而影響生長發育。以蒙塵處理後葉綠素螢光下降率來表示抗塵性的表現,以月橘、黃帝菊、六月雪、非洲鳳仙花、吊竹草有較佳的抗塵性。綜合30種地被植物之滯塵量和抗塵性的表現,初步篩選出:黃帝菊、六月雪、南美蟛蜞菊、黃金金露華、非洲鳳仙花、馬纓丹等地被植物在二方面均具有較佳的表現。
EngTitle The effect of selection and desposition in groundcovers of improvement on air quality in urban area.
EngAbstract Groundcovers can improve the air quality, and the ability of improvement varies with different groundcovers and planting patterns. The results showed the average total dust interception ratio (DIA) is 33.5 %; excluding the distance effect, the average net DIA is 17.3 %. By the means of groundcovers deposition, the groundcovers with various types of plants, multi-layered planting, and broader planting belt had better ability of improving the air quality.Comparing variations of dust interception capacity (DIC) in 30 common groundcovers, controlling the soil particulate and the leaf unit area under the same condition in the lab, we found that there were a lot of variety between different groundcovers. We found that the plant with rough and folding leave surface (e.g. Coleus blumei Benth., Lantana camara L.), the plant with small and rough leaves (e.g. Duranta repens, Altemanthera paronychioides cv. #Picta#), the plant with firm leaves or paste particles (e.g. Syngonium podophyllum Schott, Rhoeo spathaceo cv ‘Compacta’) had higher efficiencies. In addition, the leaf area index (LAI) is also a determinant factor of the DIC per planting area. On the DIC per planting area effect, the role of LAI was more important than that of DIC. The DIC of per planting area of Duranta repens, Schefflera arboricola Hay., Lantana camara L., Melampodium paludosum, and Wedelia trilobata is higher. Moreover, when plants leaves are in the wet status, compared to dry status, the DIC of the leaves can enhance 4.1 to 22.9 times.Measuring the decrease of chlorophyll fluorsence (Fv/Fm) as the index of dust-resisting ability (DRA) of plants when the leaf is pullulated by dust. The result showed that Murraya paniculata (Linn.) Jack., Melampodium paludosum, Serissa japonica (Thunb.) Thunb., and Impatiens wallerana Hook.f had better performances. Therefore, we found that Melampodium paludosum, Serissa japonica (Thunb.) Thunb., Wedelia trilobata, Duranta repens, Impatiens wallerana Hook.f, and Lantana camara L. had better performances both in the DIC and the DRA in 30 groundcovers.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立臺灣大學園藝學系