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Title 甲基第三丁基醚暴露風險評析
Abstract 本計畫共調查65座加油站,遴選其中38座加油站進行採樣分析工作,共檢測61件加油站地下水,及21件民井地下水樣品。完成加油站周界空氣樣品採樣分析,包含加油站旁民宅或商店室內外空氣樣品,共檢測238件空氣樣品。利用本計畫檢測調查數據,建立加油站周圍居民食入及吸入MTBE之暴露風險評估,評估結果顯示,所受之致癌性風險值均未高於一般人可接受之致癌風險度值(10-6)。收集彙整美國環保署、美國加州環保局及歐日等地區之MTBE管制規範及管制期程等資料。其中包含完整之美國加州政府對MTBE禁用緣由、管制前的評估與準備工作、可能造成的衝擊與影響的減低、相關部門的協調與配合、管制期程及決策的考量重點等等,都是國內研擬MTBE管制規範的重要參考資訊。歐盟已表示,雖然美國已經宣佈將會禁止使用 MTBE作為汽油添加劑,但歐盟並無意禁止使用MTBE,而是對於油槽之貯存設施加強管理,包括地下貯槽、管線、滲漏檢測及監測等措施作規定。
EngTitle The project of the risk assessment due to the exposure to MTBE
EngAbstract In the project, 38 out of the 65 gas stations were sampled; 61 samples were sampling and analyzed from the underground water of the wells of gas stations, and 21 samples were sampling and analyzed from the ordinary wells. 238 air samples were sampling and analyzed. According to the data of the analysis and survey of the project to establish the risk assessment of the ingestion and inhalation of MTBE of the inhabitants who live around the gas stations. The result of cancer risk assessment was assessed, which was lower than the threshold value (10-6) that ordinary people can withstand.In the project, regulations and measures governing the control of MTBE from the USEPA, the Environmental Protection Bureau of California, Europe and Japan were gathered and studied. Among them, the regulations and the relevant measures (including the reasons for such ban, the assessments and preparation before such ban was enforced, the minimization of the impacts resulting from such ban, the necessary coordination of the relevant government departments or agencies in order to carry out the ban, the pertinent periods of the ban and the main considerations of such ban) regarding the ban of the use of MTBE enforced by the state government of California were studied and may be used as an important reference case in the decision-making of this country on the control of the use of MTBE. The EU expressed that, though the Federal Government of the US has announced its ban on the use of MTBE as an additive to gasoline, the EU will only tighten and enforce the control measures on the oil storing facilities, including underground oil storing facilities, pipelines, the detection of oil leakages, monitoring, etc.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院 環境與安全衛生技術發展中心