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Title 提升計畫品質及促進國際交流(中美)
Abstract 本計畫主要目的在協助環保署進行各項與計畫品質提昇與促進國際交流之工作與活動,包括資料蒐集分析、會議安排/聯繫/接待、人員訓練規劃、問卷調查等,提供技術性或事務性之幕僚服務。本計畫工作主要完成(一)協助環保署籌辦二○○三年計畫管理及中美雙邊回顧會議(二)蒐集美國環保署關於委辦計畫之制度、委辦計畫之品質控制、技術移轉及技術認證資料,並摘錄其特點,研討論應用於環保署委辦計畫管理之可行性。(三)協助完成「國際環境法醫學會(ISEF)」在台辦理「環境法醫技術研討會」(四)加強環保署與外商之溝通,並對已在台之外商進行服務滿意度問卷調查。(五)協助環保署規劃並舉辦WTO貿易環境委員會(CTE)相關議題訓練課程(六)協助環保署英文核校及翻譯工作。本計畫協助辦理完成之國際性會議以及人才培訓課程,為環保署以及國內從事環境保護工作的學者專家提供蒐集國際前瞻技術資訊以及技術交流的機會。對於提昇國內環境技術能力有極大之助益。
EngTitle To enhance the EPA s project implementation quality and to promote international exchanges (between the ROC and the US)
EngAbstract The main purposes of the project are to assist the EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) to enhance its project implementation quality and to promote its international exchanges. This project includes various technical and advisory operations, such as data gathering, the arrangement of meetings (including the reception of guests), the training plan of personnel, opinion polls, etc.In the project, the main tasks that have been accomplished comprise: (1) Assistance provided to the EPA to carry out the 2003 project management and the bilateral meeting between the ROC and the US (2) The gathering of the information regarding the system of project entrustment, the quality control of projects entrusted by the EPA, technology transfer and technology verification; also, the characteristics of these projects have been gathered and studied so as to assess the feasibility of the employment of them in the project management implemented by the EPA (3) Assisting the ISEF to hold “environmental forensic technology workshop” in the country (4) Enhancing the communication between the EPA and the foreign companies located in the country; carrying out an opinion survey on the foreign companies located in the country (5) Assisting the EPA in the planning and holding of training sessions on the topics relating to the CTE (Committee of Trade Environment) of the WTO (6) Assisting the EPA in the editing and translation of documents.The aforementioned international meeting and workshop and the training sessions accomplished in that this project provided the experts and scholars in the environmental protection field with the information of state-of-the-art technologies and the opportunities of technological exchanges and hence greatly enhanced the capability in environmental protection technologies in the country.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院環安中心