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Title 資源回收管理基金責任業者營業量申報輔導暨系統建置更新維護計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要目的為輔導公告指定責任業者登記、申報營業量及繳納回收清除處理費等相關作業,並完成相關作業資料之審查、建檔及歸檔等工作、推動公告指定責任業者網際網路申報作業、建置自動勾稽查詢及維護相關作業系統,藉以提供相關決策分析資訊。並在工作期程內完成公告指定責任業者營業量申報制度檢討與規劃、統計報表提報作業、公告指定責任業者營業量管理系統建置、更新及維護、公告指定責任業者網際網路營業量申報管理系統建置更新及維護、公告指定責任業者營業量申報制度檢討與規劃及辦理有關本計畫相關作業業者說明會等工作項目。經過多次內部研商及討論,責任業者營業量申報制度檢討與規劃目前已完成的包含:全面檢討內部文件收辦作業,並重新訂定派駐人員分工及作業內容、銀行資料取得及品質控管、申報表單重新規劃、歸檔作業規劃。內控作業流程新增內控系統,已協助各審查人員進行文件追蹤,並提供管理者隨時察看作業進度功能,同時完成新的「營業量申報建檔系統」,並以新的資料庫貯存資料,建檔工作都在一個月之內完成,這樣的工作效率比過去至少高三倍以上。完成銀行資料之相關匯入及管理系統,除可以每日將最即時的銀行資料匯入供相關人員查詢外,亦可以開始進行銷帳、核帳作業。網際網路申報系統已經全面上線,包含離線申報方式,利用MIS系統或EXCEL功能維護申報資料之多數業者都可使用該系統,如此將解決大部份申報問題。本計畫今年度完成二十二場說明會,以最佳的系統功能提升業者對於政府的信心,並宣導資源回收觀念及相關的便民服務,亦充分達成本計畫目標。
EngTitle The Guidance for Resource Recycling Designated Business Reporting and Business Reporting System Establishment and Its Update Maintenance Plan
EngAbstract The main purpose of this project is to assist and guide the designated businesses/enterprises to register their basic information, report business and pay the recycling and disposal fee. Also, this project includes the register information auditing and filing, guidance on making online reporting, online reporting system maintenance, and automatic data analysis for inspection. this project offers valuable resource on strategy analysis. The business reporting system planning and evaluation, statistic reporting, maintenance and update of the business management system, online reporting management system, and relevant seminars and they are all completed within the required period of time.Through internal discussion, the completed items for business reporting system planning and reviewing include evaluation on internal filing, reevaluate and rearrange work division and content of the relevant staffs, banking information quality management, re-planning an application form and its filing planning.Internal control processing adds internal control system, and it assists auditor to trace the file and control the scheduled progress. The “Business Reporting System” stores data in new database, its whole cycle is completed within a month. Such efficiency has been enhanced 3 times more than before.Completed bank information transferring & management system can promptly offer the most updated information for staff to check on, and immediate banking balance audition is available by using this system.Online reporting system is available even includes offline reporting. Most designated businesses/enterprises maintained their reports with MIS system or EXCEL could report business with the system. It will resolve most problems encountered by the reporters.We completed 22 seminars in this year. This excellent reporting system leads the designated businesses to raise the confident of the government and propagates the resource recycling concept to the public and introduces convenient service to the reporters. The goal of this plan is fully achieved.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司