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Title 歐洲環境損害事件司法案例分析與彙編專案工作計畫
Abstract 本專案計畫達成以下工作目標:1. 收集並彙整歷年來歐洲(含歐盟共同體、德國、法國、英國)環境損害事件重要法院判決資料,並以環保署八十九年出版之公害糾紛處理白書第七章格式內容加以分析。2. 比較分析說明我國與歐洲等各國處理環境損害事件,在司法訴訟制度及糾紛解決制度的特性。3. 將歷年來蒐集彙整之各國環境損害事件重要法院判例資料檔案建置於電腦網路。4. 邀請各級環保機關舉辦台灣地區公害糾紛處理工作檢討會乙場。在各國重要環境損害司法案例方面,就歐盟共同體、德國、法國及英國各收錄十則案件。就以上各國的環境損害案件紀錄,共計收集一百件。本計畫並分析各國司法環境損害案件之特色,並與我國法院判決相互比較,以作為我國實務發展之參考。依據本計畫研究可知,各國對於環境損害案件之司法處理,各具特色。法國法院之民事判決甚少,一般在刑事案件或行政訴訟案件中,以附帶民事訴訟之方式處理。且法國法上關於滯怠金制度,為我國所無。德國法則甚多國家賠償案件,對於政府機關課予較多補償責任。法國法及德國法均准許環保團體作為當事人起訴請求損害賠償,對於促進環境保護,甚具意義。英國法院則對於禁制令之採取,對我國具有啟示性。
EngTitle Environmental judicial decisions in European countries.
EngAbstract This project mainly deals with the environmental judicial decisions in European countries, including the European Community, Germany, France, and England. It translates ten leading cases and records thirty cases concerning the environmental protection law for the three countries and one political entity. Totally, one hundred court cases are recorded in this report in addition to forty leading cases. Simultaneously, it analyses these case laws, indicating the main issues raised in these cases and pointing out the ways in which they are discoursed and resolved. Then, these court decisions are compared to those of Taiwan, illustrating the differences and the common features among them. European court decisions indeed provide some remarkable insights for the protection of environment in Taiwan. For instance, both France and Germany recognize that the legal persons, e.g. the foundations or associations engaging in the environmental protection, are entitled to file a lawsuit before a court to claim compensation against the defendants. These can be learned in Taiwan in the future in order to enhance the protection of environment.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台大法學基金會 陳聰富教授