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Title 工業園區環境(污泥及河川底泥)中特殊污染物調查分析研究
Abstract 國內工業園區皆設有污水處理廠,而園區內各廠家所產生的污水,依法將強制納管於園區之污水處理廠處理,污水處理廠則按各家工廠排放之污水水質、水量收費。另外,污水處理過程中,產生的生物、化學污泥則依廢棄物清理法管制。目前園區內之污水處理廠大多仍以傳統BOD、COD水質標準作為廠商納管處理依據,對於特定製程產生之特殊有機、無機污染物仍無法有效限制排放,導致此類污染物可能累積於生物、化學污泥或承受水體之底泥中,對自然環境造成極大衝擊。本計畫於大園、觀音工業園區及新竹科學園區選取三家廠商,並針對此三個園區之聯合污水處理廠進行採樣,採樣點包含處理廠初沉池、曝氣池、化學混凝池及廢棄污泥餅之污泥與放流水承受水體之上、中、下游底泥,並利用FT-IR與GC/MS進行有機污染物定性分析,及應用ICP/MS進行重金屬定性分析,而後選擇指標性有機污染物與重金屬作定量檢測。分析結果顯示大園、觀音工業園區及新竹科學園區之污水處理廠污泥與放流水承受水體底泥中,大部份存在苯酚衍生物和直鏈碳系化合物。定量有機污染物為 nonylphenol、2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylpropyl)-phenol、1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl-phenol和1-tridecene。此外,在新竹科學園區污水處理廠排放口附近底泥亦偵測到疑似環境荷爾蒙如Dibutyl phthalate與Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate等;而由三個園區與承受水體底泥之重金屬星狀圖分佈可知,高濃度組以Cu、Zn及Mn為主要元素,低濃度組則以Cr、Ni、Co及Ag為主要元素。選擇定量重金屬元素為Cr、Co、Ni、Mo、Ag、In、以鉻的污染最嚴重,觀音工業區污水處理廠污泥及樹林溪底泥則以鈷與鉻的污染較明顯;新竹科學園區污水處理廠污泥與客雅溪底泥受到的重金屬污染包括了鎳、鉬、銀、銦與鎢,其中又以鎢的污染情形最為嚴重。經試驗分析結果顯示,工業園區之污水處理廠與承受水體之有機污染物種類、重金屬分佈相似度很高。若根據此一特性,可追蹤園區內工廠製程所使用的原物料經製程反應後,產生之有機污染物與重金屬累積於污水處理廠污泥或承受水體底泥中的分佈變化。
EngTitle Investigation and Analysis of Specific Contaminants in Sludge and Sediments in Industrial Park
EngAbstract The wastewater from manufactures in industrial park was enforced to discharged into wastewater treatment plant. Conventionally, the approval to give a permission for discharge is based on BOD, COD and SS of wastewater characteristics from manufacture. The specific organic and inorganic pollutants was not restricted from the discharge. Therefore, the specific compounds would be accumulated in the sludge of treatment process in wastewater treatment plants and sediments in receving water. Those pollutants from specific organic and inorganic compounds would have a great impact on the environment of industrial park. To trace the specific pollutants from the representative factory, the sludge in the unit processes of wastewater treatment plant and sediment in receiving waters were sampled and analyzed. The FT-IR and GC/MS was simultaneously applied to identify and analyze semi-volatile organics and volatile organics. The ICP/MS was used to identify and analyze heavy metals. Most of specific compounds were benzenic and phenolic and aliphatic derivatives. The compounds for quantitative measurement were nonylphenol, 2,4 bis(1,1 dimethylpropyl)-phenol, 1,1,3,3 tetramethylbutyl-phenol and 1-Tridecene. The main distributions of higher concentration of heavy metals in three industrial parks were copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn). The lower concentration of heavy metals included chronium (Cr), nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co) and silver (Ag). Selected heavy metals for quantative analysis included chronium (Cr), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), molybdenum (Mo), silver (Ag), indium (In), tungsten (W), cadmium (Cd), gallium (Ga). The results of quantative analysis indicated that chronium was the major heavy metal pollutant distributed in Da-Yuan Industrial Park, and chronium and cobalt were the major heavy metal pollutants distributed in Kuang-Yin Industrial Park. The results of quantative analysis indicated that nickel (Ni), molybdenum (Mo), silver (Ag), indium (In), and tungsten (W) were dominant heavy metals in Hsin-Chu Science Park.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 環保署 環檢所