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Title 懸浮微粒垂直剖面濃度變化與氣象條件分析之研究
Abstract 本計畫於今(2003)年春季利用光達進行氣膠垂直剖面之觀測,並對所觀測到的氣膠高度、地點進行氣塊軌跡演算,同時並應用衛星資料監測分析氣膠分布及傳輸路徑與擴散動向,期能了解氣膠微粒之三度空間分布及分析其可能之來源。衛星在沙塵暴監測方面,應用高時間解析的地球同步衛星GMS-5觀測資料,完成沙塵暴發生位置、涵蓋範圍及其移動情形等訊息之及時提供。衛星監測結果顯示台灣附近地區,包括台灣東北及台灣海峽地區,受沙塵影響之主要期間則在1月至2月,其中以1月份為最明顯,3月至4月則受沙塵的影響較為輕微。在定量分析之結果顯示,GMS-5所監測之AI(Aerosol Index),不但可提供局部地區沙塵暴之始末期間,亦具有提供沙塵暴影響強度之潛能,對於未來沙塵暴強度之警報幫助極大。光達(LIDAR)在沙塵暴之觀測方面,藉由背向散射比強度與偏振強度之垂直分佈與變化,配合氣軌追蹤與衛星資料,獲得沙塵傳輸與分佈之訊息。在2003年沙塵暴的個案中,最強的沙暴為個案一(2/18 ~ 2/19)、最弱為個案五(4/25 ~ 4/28)。針對環保署所發布的五次個案,除分別顯示它們的分佈高度及強度外,並對污染源進行軌跡追蹤,對於台灣地區在受大陸沙塵暴或東南亞生質燃燒影響之了解與研究分析有相當的幫助。
EngTitle Research on the Variation of Suspended Sediments Vertical Concentration and the Analysis of Meteorological Parameters
EngAbstract This study could be mainly separated into two parts: 1) used Lidar to profile the vertical property of atmosphere aerosol, including determination of height and aerosol trajectory tracing; 2) used satellite to analyze the large scale distribution and propagation of aerosol in 2003. The results could figure out the three-dimension distribution of aerosol particles and trace back their sources. In satellite part, the high temporal resolution GMS-5 data were employed, and real time information of sandstorms which usually are the biggest aerosol sources, could be provided. The result revealed that the sandstorms made a important influence to the areas around northern eastern Taiwan and the Taiwan Strait from January to April, especially in January. The result also showed that the AI (Aerosol Index) derived from GMS could make a great aid in monitoring the whole lifecycles of sandstorms and could be used to estimate the sandstorms’ impact. In Lidar part, the transformation and distribution of sandstorms could be detailed understood based on the backward scattering and polarization analysis companying with satellite data. All five sandstorm events announced by EPA were analyzed. The strongest one occurred during 2/18 ~ 2/19 (Case 1), and the weakest one occurred during 4/25 ~ 4/28 (Case 5). All of the five events’ parameters were detailed analyzed to give the aerosol property around Taiwan area when were impacted by the sandstorms from the Mainland China and haze from the southeastern Asia.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 國立中央大學大氣物理研究所