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Title 「環保罰款催繳管理系統規劃及建置」(第三年)計畫
Abstract 本計畫目的在建立全國縣市環保局適用之環保罰款催繳管理資訊系統,使縣市環保局有整合性之管理資訊系統,並與環保署連線建立環保罰款催繳資料庫。期藉由此資訊系統達成自動催繳、統計、查詢等作業。尤其是處分後罰款催繳作業,期能有效管制各項處分罰分罰款是否按是繳納,對稽查人員作最新及最準確之提示,並能將稽查概況、統計資料及處分明細資料上傳至環保署資料庫,以整合全國各縣市環保局有關稽查及處分罰款等相關資料,並可產生本署所需之資料報表。
EngTitle Plan and lmplementation of the Environmental Protection Penalty Follow-Up Management System(The Third Year s Plan)
EngAbstract The purpose of this project is to establish a nation-wide environmental protection penalty follow-up management information system that is applicable to all city and county environmental protection bureaus. It enables the city and county environmental protection bureau to have an integrated management information system and connects to Environmental Protection Administration in setting up an environmental protection penalty follow-up database. It is hoped that this information system can accomplish automatic penalty bills follow-ups, compiling statistics, and provide inquiry search functions. Especially, the function of following up the penalty payment after the punishment, so that it is able to control effectively whether all kinds of penalty and fines are being paid, prompt the auditors in a timely and accurate way. It also can upload the audit status, statistics and detailed penalty information to the Environmental Protection Administration, so that it integrates all relevant audit and penalty information from all cities and counties and create the reports that needed by the Administration.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 偉倫資訊電腦股份有限公司