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Title 環境檢測類盲樣配製技術研究及盲測樣品供應計畫
Abstract 本盲樣配製計畫主要是配合環保署執行水質水量、飲用水與地下水及廢棄物檢測類別每年例行盲測之需,進行各類盲樣配製技術之研發建立與相關問題之研究探討,並完成實際盲測樣品之配製,以供應環境檢測機構及各級環保單位每年例行性盲測所需要之本土性測試樣品,俾持續監督管理及有效輔導各檢驗室之檢測能力,確保檢測數據之品質。計畫主要工作重點及成果簡要說明如下:1.完成河川水基質重金屬鐵、錳、鎘、鉻、銅、鎳、鉛、鋅、砷及汞等10項2批次100組真實樣品製備。2.完成實際遭受重金屬污染區域的3批次300瓶土壤基質樣品配製及其中鎘、鉻、銅、鎳、鉛、砷、汞及鋅等8個項次之重金屬含量測定。3.完成水中34項次78批次3840瓶之盲測樣品配製,項目包括懸浮固體、總溶解固體、pH、硫酸鹽、導電度、氯鹽、氟鹽、油脂、化學需氧量、生化需氧量、氨氮、硝酸鹽氮、亞硝酸鹽氮、總磷、酚類、氰化物、砷、硼、鎘、總鉻、銅、鐵、鉛、錳、總汞、鎳、銀、硒、鋅、濁度、硫化物、陰離子介面活性劑、六價鉻與真色色度等。4.完成廢棄物TCLP之六價鉻、鎘、銅、鋅、鉻、鉛、砷、硒及汞等9項2批次60組之模擬樣品製備。5.協助環檢所盲樣配製技術建立執行理論介紹課程及實務操作觀摩,項目包括水中懸浮固體、總溶解固體、pH、油脂、化學需氧量、生化需氧量、砷、鎘、總鉻、銅、鐵、鉛、錳、總汞、鎳、硒、鋅及濁度等18項。
EngTitle Program of Research of Performance Evaluation Sample Preparation Technology and Performance Evaluation sample Supply
EngAbstract "Proficiency Test Program (PTP)" is a very important procedure in the management of certified environmental analysis laboratory for National Institute of Environment Analysis (NIEA) in ROC. CESH/ITRI has contracted the NIEA PE sample project for many years. The PE samples prepared by CESH/ITRI continues to be used as the samples for performance evaluation of the certified laboratories by NIEA.There are five tasks in this year#s project:1.Prepare PE samples in soil for PTP test. eight elements must included in the soil: Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Nickel, Lead, Arsenic, Mercury, Zinc, at least 100 bottles for each batch and three batches must be prepared.2.Real river matrix water PE samples for PET test. ten elements must included: Iron, Manganese, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Zinc, Arsenic, at least 50 bottles for each batch and two batches must be prepared.3.PE samples for water and drinking water PTP test. Including 34 items: Total Suspended Solids, Total Dissolved Solids, pH, Sulfate, Conductivity, Chloride, Fluoride, Oil Grease, COD, BOD, Ammonia Nitrogen, Nitrate, Nitrite, Total phosphorous, Phenol, Cyanide, Arsenic, Boron, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel, Silver, Selenium, Zinc, Turbidity, Sulfide, ABS, Hexa-valent Chromium, Color in water and drink water.Total 78 batches 3840 bottles PE samples must be prepared.4.PE samples for TCLP PTP test. including Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Selenium, Zinc, Arsenic total 9 elements. two batches and at least 60 bottles for each batch. must be prepared.5.Transfer PE sample preparation technique established in last five years project to NIEA, total 18 items are including in first stage transfer: Total Suspended Solids, Total Dissolved Solids, pH, Oil Grease, COD, BOD, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel, Selenium, Zinc and Turbidity.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 工研院環境與安全衛生技術發展中心 吳堉鑾