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Title 九十二年度檢測(驗)機構管理作業服務計畫
Abstract 本計畫對環保施政績效有直接貢獻的許可認證有下列:土壤34家。廢棄物44家。戴奧辛6家。地下水55家。提供環保法源依據的環境檢驗測定,確保環保施政的一貫性。完成環境檢測機構之申請案件文件審查169件次(目標119%)。系統評鑑安排及準備80件次(154%)。術科考試安排及準備152件次(281%)。盲樣考試安排及準備101件次(153%)。參與申請案件系統評鑑場次共計35件次(100%)。完成召開評鑑技術委員會9次(100%)。舉辦檢驗測定機構業者座談會一場(100%)。舉辦一場次現AC與TC評鑑技術討論會(100%)。更新檢驗測定機構基本資料182筆,(121%)。更新檢驗測定機構之人員異動資料約780筆(195%)。辦理盲樣發送及測試結果數據分析工作5187項次(259%)。
EngAbstract On the permit, extension, restoration for business, additional laboratory, additional test items and additional test category filed by environment test laboratories.1. 127 cases of submittals examination have been undertook and completed respectively.2. 80 cases of arrangement and preparation for system assessment have been undertook and completed respectively.102 assessments have been arranged and carried out.3. 101 cases of blind test have been undertook and completed respectively.4. 152 cases of arrangement and preparation for technical examination have been undertook and completed respectively.5. Completed nine technical committee meetings for test laboratories assessment.6. Held one seminar for test laboratories:7. Held one seminar on assessment technology participated by site assessment experts and technical members.8. Updated 182 lots of data on Environmental Test Laboratories Information System, test laboratories on permit and disposition.9. Updated approximately 780 lots of date on changed personnel from test laboratories as approved by National Institute of Environmental Analysis.10. Completed 2800 items in two stages on permit items for approved laboratories ,dispatch of blind tests and blind test results data analysis of environmental laboratories.A total of 3323 items for the first routine blind test in the current fiscal year has been dispatched and 162 of them were failed. A total of 1864 items for the second rutine blind test and 73 of them were failed.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所