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Title 有毒物質風險評估模式之驗證(二)
Abstract 民國八十九年十二月十四日環保署召開「有毒物質風險評估技術規範草案」研商會,邀集相關機關及環評業者討論草案內容,並於民國九十一年十二月委託進行「有毒物質風險評估模式之驗證(一)」專案研究計畫。本研究計畫乃延續該研究計畫,進行第二年度之「有毒物質風險評估模式之驗證(二)」專案研究計畫(以下簡稱本計畫),運用多介質模式與食物鏈模式進行實例場址研究,持續評估該技術規範之可行性及適用性。並藉由實例研究之心得提出該技術規範之修正建議,以期能提供評估者或開發者未來在辦理環境影響評估作業時,評估週遭居民身體健康危害風險之參考依據。本計畫選定桃園RCA場址進行風險評估實例研究,蒐集地質、土壤及地下水之相關文獻資料,並輔以現場調查、地下水水質監測、採樣與分析,作為後續參數驗證之用。同時根據場址特性,結合前述所蒐得之資料,運用MEPAS與MMSOILS等多介質傳輸與食物鏈模式,模擬該場址污染物四氯乙烯與三氯乙烯之傳輸,及評估污染物對地下水下游居民之健康風險。最終,亦即本計畫之重點目標,針對第一次修正後之有毒物質風險評估技術規範草案再逐條檢視,並配合實例場址研究之心得提出修正建議,以供行政院環境保護署於未來公告「有毒物質風險評估技術規範」時之參考。
EngAbstract The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) held a meeting for discussing on draft toxic substances risk assessment technical guideline on December 14, 2000, and invited relevant organizations and agencies to discuss the contents. On December 2002, the EPA further carried out a project of verification of toxic substance risk assessment modeling to refine the draft toxic substance risk assessment technical guideline. This project was to continue the previous project, using multimedia and food chain models to proceed modeling task for a target site and assessing the feasibility of the technical guideline, so as to provide references for developers, assessors and EIA agencies. The Taoyuan RCA site was selected as the target site for study. The project conducted literature views of site geology, soil and groundwater, as well as field investigation, groundwater sampling and analysis, to collect the information for model parameter verification. Based upon the nature of the site, collected data were incorporated into MEPAS and MMSOILS to assess the transportation of the contaminants (i.e. PCE and TCE) and the risk of their impacts on the local health. At the end, this project was to provide recommendations for amendments of the toxic substance risk assessment technical guideline for the EPA’s reference.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 永灃環境管理顧問股份有限公司