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Title 山坡地等地區環境影響評估總量管制計畫-以嘉義縣市為例
Abstract 本研究乃以嘉義縣市為研究範圍,分析計畫區總量管制在開發行為環境影響評估審議過程中之應用,分別針對空氣品質、水資源供給、河川水質、環境敏感地、土壤品質及土地使用適宜性等環境因子進行總量管制分析。以研擬此計畫區內環境資源的總量評估與管制策略,以供環保署環境影響評估總量管制之參考。並將本研究蒐集及建立之環境相關資料,以地理資訊系統建檔以作為後續環境敏感地分析、都市發展課題研擬及總量管制評估分析等各項作業之基礎資料。土地使用與環境敏感地方面,嘉義地區內保護區部分佔全面積的48.04%,條件發展區則佔全積的47.83%,其他地區僅佔4.13%。空氣品質部分,嘉義市縣各空氣污染物的防制區等級,依目前環保署最新之公告除懸浮微粒為三級防制區外,其餘各污染物均為二級防制區。阿里山鄉部份則屬國家公園保護區的一級防制區。目前環保署劃分全台灣地區七個空氣品質管制區中,預估嘉義縣市及雲嘉南空品區在五至十年內,仍較可能會依目前的三級防制區管制方式來管理空氣品質。環保署依嘉義市縣空氣品質的監測現況值,已訂定出嘉義縣市各空氣污染物之防制區等級。同時,嘉義縣環保局也已積極的管制各類的空氣污染源,並確實執行各種既定的管制策略,以維護並避免嘉義縣市本身之空氣品質惡化,共同達成國家環境保護目標。水資源方面,嘉義地區總出水量中以地表水為取水水源,出水能量約為10419萬立方公尺/年,佔總出水量之63%,顯見嘉義地區自來水系統以地表水為主。嘉義地區每日出水量29萬立方公尺,主要淨水場有公園、蘭潭、水上。水源分別來自八掌溪及曾文溪,分別由仁義潭、蘭潭及曾文水庫調配,另有新港及大林等地下水源。而未來工業類型會向高科技、半導體產業等發展,而這些預計引進之產業均是較高用水之產業,故預期未來工業用水會增加。嘉義縣市境內水系污染涵容能力分析結果,北港溪河段受污染嚴重優先削減物質為BOD、氨氮。朴子溪河段則以BOD為主要優先削減物質,藉以提升河川整體的DO值。八掌溪支流應優先削減河段為BOD。
EngTitle Total Load Control Plan for Environmental Impact Assessment in Slope-Land Areas—Case Study of Chia-Yi County.and Chia-Yi City
EngAbstract According to the environmental carrying capacity, total load control aimed to develop and use environmental resources under the acceptable capacity, reducing the impacts and hazards of unsuitable developments and uses. Meanwhile, total load control focuses on the individual environmental characteristics and carrying capacity to determine the standards of total load based on the capacities of water, air and so on.According to the air pollution protecting areas, with the new EPA announcement, except for assigning the third level air pollution protecting area in suspended solid, Chia-Yi Couny and Chia-Yi City are both classified into second level air pollution protecting area. A-Li-Shan Town belonged to National Park is first level air pollution protecting area. Now, according to the seven air-quality controlling area by EPA, Chia-Yi Couny, Chia-Yi City and Yun-Chia-Na air-quailty controlling area will be managed by third level air pollution protecting areas in following form five to ten years. EPA announced various air-pollution protecting level by current monitoring air-quality in Chia-Yi Couny and Chia-Yi City. Moreover, the EPA branch of Chia-Yi County positively controlled various the source of air pollution, executed the air pollution controlling policy, and protected and avoided air quality to worsen to reach national environmental protected goal.Water resources analyses results indicated that the surface water is the major resource of using water could support 165,000 CMD almost 68% of total supplying water. The needs of drinking water are supplied by Hungho-Shan, Mi-Te and Liyu-Tan reservoirs. This water supplying can satisfy the water needs from now up to 2003 in this study area. After 2003, it is essential for creating the new sources of water and rearranging water supply system in this study area.The water pollution analysis results illustrated that the first work is to reduce concentrations of BOD, NH3-N and Ammonia N in Bei-Gang stream. It is first work to reduce BOD in Pu-Zi stream. BOD must be first reduced in Ba-Zhang stream.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 中國文化大學環境設計學院景觀學系