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Title 資源回收體系理論架構之探討及回收通路之改善計畫
Abstract 我國資源回收制度自施行以來,共經歷四個階段的制度變遷,自民國八十六年政府成立資源回收基金管理委員會後,資源回收的財務責任與實務責任兩者不再合而為一,也就是負回收財務責任的業者不必負回收的實務責任,而負回收實務責任的環保署不必負財務責任,環保署介於上游之需負回收財務責任的業者與下游之受委託執行回收清除處理工作的業者之間,以致於回收責任歸屬不明、上下游三方互欺與不合作,再加上公營組織運作效率較低與靈活度不足之本質、及將權力分屬四個委員會以致於各委員會都無權無責,造成了部分回收項目累積不少盈餘、部分項目累積巨大赤字、部分項目回收率低、但寶特瓶等容器的回收率大於100%等等預期之外的現象。本報告旨在深入檢討各時期回收制度施行所衍生出之問題及其解決措施,重新建立適合我國之回收體系架構,首先,分析各時期不同之資源回收體系,並比較與歸納英、法、德、美、日、韓及荷蘭等七國資源回收體系的運作情形;其次,成立「資源回收體系架構改善工作小組」,採取焦點團體(focus group)的討論方式,結合德爾菲法(Delphi Method)與聯合分析法(Conjoint Analysis),透過多次深度討論,達成適合我國之資源回收體系之共識。未來資源回收管理制度改革方向之主要建議有三點:首先,依法資源回收責任(包含財務責任與實務責任)均應由責任業者負責,政府應該由負資源回收實務責任之現況退出,而將管理工作重點置於資源回收系統之管理與監督,採取回收目標管理的作法;其次,資源回收工作應由權益相關者(負財務責任與實務責任之業者)組成共同回收組織,實際負責回收工作之執行,並定位為屬物性公法社團,具有執行公權力的能力,使得有意願去監督考核其他責任業者與回收業者的責任業者有權力去做,才能做好監督考核的工作,以有效避免代理問題及逐利問題;最後,政府應採取回收目標管理的作法,也就是採取回收總量管制制度,並嚴格執法,以確保回收清除處理目標之達成,而回收工作之運作包括兩率(上游業者應負擔的回收清除處理費費率、下游業者應得的回收清除處理補貼費費率)之決定由共同回收組織負責,政府不必插手。
EngTitle Institutional Evolution and Reconstruction of Recycling System
EngAbstract The principle of extended producer responsibility was first adopted and implemented in Taiwan in 1988. After 1998, the EPA got fully involved in the management of recycling programs by establishing and managing the Resource Recycling Fund. On the hand, the EPA collects the Recycling-Clearance-Disposal Fee from the enterprises that produce articles, packaging, or containers, and the revenue of the fee goes into the Fund. On the other hand, the EPA uses the revenue to subsidize the enterprises that collect and recycle the wastes. Although EPA’s direct involvement in the management may solve some old problems, it also produces its own new problems. Among them, over 100% recycling rates of PET/PVC/PP/PE containers and huge accumulated deficit of these containers are two most symbolic ones. We study and analyze the rich experiences in many different recycling management systems in the world. We form a working group of 15 experts from environmental groups, government, academics, responsible enterprises, and recycling firms. We use several research methodologies including Delphi method, Choice Experiment, and Conjoint Analysis to incorporate very different perspectives of team members. This study proposes a new recycling management system that has three major characteristics as follows: First, firms that produce articles, packaging, or containers should be responsible for the collection, clearing away and disposal of their post-consumption waste. The responsible parties should collectively and fully participate in the management of recycling businesses by organizing Functional Jurisdictions. A Functional Jurisdiction has the authority to levy the recycling fee in order to carry out the function stipulated by the law, and the authority to detect and fine evasions. Second, the government should concentrate its efforts in policy promulgation and enforcement without direct involvement in the management of recycling systems. Third, the government should use the total quantity control approach instead of the present pricing app
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會