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Title 推動事業廢棄物清理計畫及公民營廢棄物清除處理許可制度執行計畫
Abstract 本工作計畫重點可歸類成四大部分,一是強化產源事業廢棄物清理計畫管理制度;二是公民營廢棄物清除處理機構許可制度功能之提升;三是研提事業廢棄物網路申報制度之修正措施與有害事業廢棄物管制之改善方案及檢測管理辦法;四是事業廢棄物管制最適行業分類。本計畫篩選出500家已提具廢棄物清理計畫書之事業,重新審視清理計畫書內容,同時針對25家事業進行現場訪查,並參考國外的管理制度,修訂事業清理計畫書申請與審查相關作業及表單,並製作五行業之審查指引,有效協助清理計畫書申請審核作業,強化產源事業廢棄物清理計畫管理制度。對於清除處理機構則參酌國外先進國家(美、日、歐盟)的許可制度,同時整合國內現行地方的作業方式,針對許可申請表單、許可申請、審查及核發作業流程、收費標準及相關法規規定進行檢討,並提出修正建議,增訂清除處理機構的設施功能、操作條件及營運管理規定,並納入許可證的管理範圍,有效提升許可制度之功能。另製作審查技術指引及營運及操作紀錄之查核技術指引,有效協助環保單位許可審核及營運操作紀錄查核作業。為完備有害事業廢棄物之管理,除對於廢棄物判定方式、貯存年限與貯存方式提出修正建議,並納入有害事業廢棄物檢測管理辦法建議修正,同時完成事業廢棄物各階段採樣作業之規範,並完成其採樣計畫書、採樣紀錄與採樣檢測報告修訂。因應未來廢棄物管制重點將著重於行業特性,本計畫已推估92年事業廢棄物總量,了解各行業及各類別廢棄物產出總量,其推估結果為92年全國事業廢棄物總量為3,165萬公噸,其中以工業廢棄物量的1,448萬公噸為最大宗。另針對未來行業管制順序提出建議,作為 貴署後續稽查管制的參考。配合本計畫建議修定之制度內容與相關表單,對後續網路申報作業相關管理系統提出配套修正建議,以落實管制資料電子化的趨勢。
EngTitle Implementing The Industrial Waste Clearance & Treatment Plan And Enhancing The Permit System For The Publicly And/Or Privately Owned Waste Clearance And Treatment Enterprises
EngAbstract The main tasks in this project can be summarized and underlined as four parts:(1)to strengthen the clearance and treatment management system on sources of industrial waste,(2)to enhance the permit system for the publicly and/or privately owned waste clearance and treatment enterprises,(3)to develop revised measures of internet application and reporting system for industrial waste and improved plans and analysis regulations governing management of hazardous industrial waste,and (4) to complete the optimal industry classification for the industrial waste management.The project sieved out 500 firms which have already submitted their waste clearance and treatment proposal,and then reviewed the content of them,completed field investigation in 25 firms,revised application process and forms in preparing and examining the clearance and treatment proposal,and finally developed the examining guidance for five categorized industries.All these work not only can effectively improve the application process in reviewing the clearance and treatment proposal,but also can strengthen the clearance and treatment management system on source of industrial waste.For the clearance and treatment organizations, the project integrated and reviewed the current domestic system as well as took the permit systems in US,EU,Japan and other developed countries as references.Afterward,the project was mainly aimed at reviewing on permit application forms and process, examining and issuing process,charging rates,and relevant regulations.In order to enhance the permit system,the project suggested to stipulate and to regulate facility functions,operation conditions,and operation management rules, and eventually,to bring all these into the permit system in the conclusion.In addition,the project also developed the examining technical guidance and the operation investigation guidance to provide advanced assistance for local governments in their work of permit examining and investigation of operation records.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中技社環境技術發展中心