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Title 環境水質監測評核計畫
Abstract 由於環境品質資料的複雜性和特異性非常高,同時又涉及在採樣分析階段之可能誤差,因此原始數據之評核步驟是環境水質系統工作中很重要的一環。本計畫依作業規劃水質監測資料評核流程,主要分為:1.水質監測報告查核2.監測異常數據篩選及3.監測異常數據處理等三階段,配合水質監測資料整合管理系統之開發,完成監測數據評核標準流程之修正,並依據此流程,進行監測數據之評核工作。 本計畫針對目前環境水質監測作業進行檢討評估,除比對法令要求外,亦檢討是否有改進之處,並提出未來監測之建議優先方案,評估檢討項目包括測站位置、監測項目、監測頻率、採樣作業、檢測方法及監測經費估算。另外亦針對目前環境水體監測作業,進行整體性之規劃,初步規劃之內容包括各水體水文水理之監測及各水體水質監測,水體包括河川、水庫湖泊、地下水、海域及休憩海域等。 依據完成評核之監測數據及參考國外之水質年報,編製九十二年環境水質監測年報,同時定期更新維護水質監測網頁內容。 另外配合 貴署需求完成河川水質監測資料ND值彙整分析、水庫密集抗旱分析、水庫及海域測站整併分析、本島水庫卡爾森指數與降雨量及蓄水量相關性分析、三區監測作業執行單位MDL及認證檢討作業等分析作業。並完成九十三年一至八月份全國五十條重要河川之污染長度計算作業,以進行河川水質追蹤等相關工作。
EngTitle Auditing of Environmental Water Quality Mnitoring Data
EngAbstract Our plan is to assess the procedure in the water quality monitoring divided into mainly three stages: 1.Water quality monitoring report auditing; 2. Unusual monitoring data screening; and 3. Unusual monitoring data processing. And, in cooperation with the water quality monitoring data integration and management system development, to complete the revision of standard monitoring data assessment procedure, and to assess the monitoring data according to the above procedure.    The project evaluated the environmental water quality monitoring work at present in terms of regulation compliance and improvements needed. Suggestions of different priority options were made for future monitoring consideration include monitoring sites, monitoring items , monitoring frequency, sampling work , analysis method and monitoring budget estimation. An integrated plan was made according to current water quality monitoring operation. The preliminary planning includes each water body hydrology monitoring and water quality monitoring, referring the water body to include rivers , reservoir lake , groundwater , sea and sea resort area, etc..  According to the assessed water quality monitoring data and foreign annual report reference, the annual report of environmental water quality monitoring in 2003 was compiled to update and maintain the webpage contents of water quality monitoring on a regular basis. The project also responded to EPA’s demand to complete the analysis on the ND value of water quality monitoring data, analysis on reservoir against drought intensity, integrated analysis of reservoir and sea station, correlation analysis of reservoir Carlson#s index and rainfall and water storage capacity, analysis of the three monitoring districts operation MDL and authentication. The calculation of pollution length of 50 major rivers in the 2004 between January and August was also done to assist tracking on rivers water quality.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中技社