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Title 限制過度包裝最適化管制策略計畫
Abstract 本計畫之目標在提出適合我國國情、產業現況及環境負荷之最佳管制策略與執行方案,以求大幅降低禮盒類產品之包裝廢棄物。於參考其他國家(主要為歐盟指令、英國、法國、奧地利及韓國)現況及未來趨勢後,本計畫已提出『糖果、糕餅、化粧品、光碟、加工食品及酒之包裝空間比例、層數、使用材質種類及數量』公告草案及執行手冊,供環保署參酌執行。此外,本計畫並完成民眾與業者之意見調查、四類共82件產品之採樣分析及減量模式與減量推估。
EngTitle The Best Control Strategy for Excessive Packaging Retriction
EngAbstract The objective of this project is to design the best control strategy as well as an implementation plan to reduce the packaging waste generated from gift boxes. After referencing the current status and future trend of the other countries (including European Union, United Kingdom, France, Austria and South Korea), a draft regulation, titled “Restriction on the packaging space, layers, material use and quantity for candies, cakes, cosmetics, computer software discs, processed food and winery products”, and an Implementation manual were formulated for adoption by the Environmental Protection Administration. Other important results of this project include (1) surveys on general consumers and business sectors, (2) sampling and analysis of 82 products (under 4 product categories) and (3) a model for the estimation of reduction on packaging wastes.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境與發展基金會