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Title 輔導全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收專案工作計畫
Abstract 為有效減少垃圾量,增加焚化爐及掩埋場之使用年限,降低垃圾清運費用及政府開支,環保署特委託辦理「輔導全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收工作專案計畫」。本計畫主要為辦理「推動全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收工作輔導暨考核計畫」及「九十二年度補助直轄市、縣(市)環境保護局辦理垃圾減量、資源回收工作計畫補助原則」,以期達成資源回收工作永續經營目標。迄九十二年度止,環保署已補助地方一、二六九輛資源回收車,資源回收車總數達一、九六二輛,各執行機關資源回收車數應已足以實施每週回收資源物質二次;三二六個執行機關之中已設置資源回收貯存場之執行機關已達二六五個,資源回收貯存場全國普遍率已達百分之八十一‧二九。本署歷年對地方之經費補助,已有效解決資源回收設施及人力不足問題。我國九十二年垃圾清運量為六百一十三萬公噸(6,139,050公噸),與九十一年六百七十二萬公噸(6,723,639公噸)比較,減量約六十萬公噸(584,589公噸);每人每日垃圾量方面,已由九十一年度的○.八二九公斤降低為九十二年的○.七五二公斤,減量率為百分之九.一一。資源回收方面,九十二年回收量總計達一三八萬公噸(1,379,158公噸),與九十一年度一二四萬公噸(1,242,395公噸)相比較,提高約十四萬公噸(136,763公噸),資源回收率則由九十一年的百分之十五.五六,提升至九十二年度的百分之十七.八九,成長率達百分之十五.四。辦理九十二年度輔導及考核工作方面,依據「推動全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收工作輔導暨考核計畫」,九十二年度全國執行機關資源回收績效考核,成績已見分曉。第一組前三名分別為台中市、台北市、台南市;第二組前三名分別為台中縣、高雄縣、桃園縣;第三組前四名分別為澎湖縣、花蓮縣、宜蘭縣、南投縣。
EngTitle Assisting the Executive Agencies in Reinforcing Resource Recycling
EngAbstract In order to effectively reduce garbage volume, increase the life expectancy of incinerators and burying grounds, and decrease the expenses for transporting garbage and governmental expenditure, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Executive Yuan has requested this company to work out the “Project for Assisting the Executive Agencies of This Country in Reinforcing Resource Recycling.” This project is mainly for assisting EPA in implementing the “Plan for Accelerating the Executive Agencies of This Country to Intensify the Assistance and Performance Evaluation of Resource Recycling” and the “Principles of Subsidizing the Environmental Protection Bureaus of Special Municipalities and Counties (Cities) for Carrying out the Plan for Reducing Garbage Volume and Resource Recycling for the Year of 2003” in hope to reach the goal of permanent operation of resource recycling.In respect of the works related to assistance in 2003, the works related to the assistance from the executive agencies in this country in resource recycling has been completed in conjunction with the work of performance evaluation. Based on the “Plan for Accelerating the Executive Agencies of This Country to Intensify the Assistance and Performance Evaluation of Resource Recycling,” the results of performance evaluation on the executive agencies of this country in resource recycling in 2003 have been announced. The top three in first section are Taichung City, Taipei City and Tainan City; the top three in second section are Taichung County, Kaohsiung County and Taoyan County; and the top four in third section are Penghu County, Hualien County, Ilan County and Nantou County.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 創見工程顧問股份有限公司