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Title 九十二及九十三年度八站光化學評估監測站操作品保及數據分析計畫
Abstract 本八十九年底迄今已在全國設置了八個測站,包含了中部三測站、北部兩測站與南部三測站,其中採用Perkin Elmer系統之中部三測站設置時間較久,經過了約一年的調整與試運轉後,今年已進入了較為穩定的狀態,數據情形也相當良好;然而採用AMA系統之南北五測站則仍處於調整與試運轉的階段,在數據品質上仍須進一步的調整,目前希望能盡述將八個站均進入穩定持續運轉之最佳狀態。以今年而言,數據的品保品管係針對八個站同時執行,而數據的探討則集中於中部三測站所得數據,希望利用中部三測站所構成之監測網數據,得到更為具體的臭氧成因。在本次期末報告中,首先討論一次污染物的日夜以及月平均濃度變化,將56種VOC以其排放源的不同區分三類,分別為液態石油氣洩露、汽機車排放以及植物源排放。大多數的VOC都因為混合層日夜和季節性的變化以及光化而消失而呈現早晚濃度高但中午低的濃度變化。然而對異戊二烯而言,其在冬天的排放類似汽機車的型態,但至春末時,則逐漸改變其峰值?排放時間,反而在午時出現高值?,證明異戊二烯的來源有二,但彼此均有強烈的季節屬性。 本計劃亦建立了兩組VOC氣團老化指標,分別為ethylbenzene/xylene以及pentane/t-2-pentene ,彼此在指示靈敏度上有很大的差異,並且和臭氧濃度有極高的相關性,顯示做為指標的可靠性。此外,亦發展了老化的量化指標,將氣團老化程度予以量化,使光化現象更能具體呈現。利用今年1 – 9月VOC資料比較大南投地區空品站和光化站 ( 草屯和竹山 ) 後發現竹山測站即能夠代表大南投地區的光化現象,建議將無空品站配合的草屯站移至埔里,研究當地臭氧生成的機制。
EngTitle Quality assurance and data analysis plan of the eight photochemical assessing and monitoring stations in 92th and 93th
EngAbstract Other than the original 3 PE stations which have been in service since 2000 in central Taiwan, two of the AMA stations were deployed in the great Taipei metropolitan area and the rest of the 3 were placed in southern Taiwan in early 2003. Because of the fundamental design differences between PE and AMA, this project has been attempting to craft suitable quality assurance plans for two different systems. The objectives of this project are two fold, first to quality assure all the PAM stations and, secondly, to elucidate the ozone formation mechanism in seasonal high O3 area. After more than 3 years of operation experience the quality assurance plan as well as the standard operation procedure (SOP) have been designed and executed for both the PE and AMA systems. Overall speaking, the stability of the PE systems is superior than that of the AMA systems which lays a good foundation for detailed photochemical studies in central Taiwan. As a result, up to now the photochemical assessment is only based on the data obtained from the network in central Taiwan.This project has developed 2 VOC indicators of the photochemistry with large difference in indication sensitivity. Excellent correlation between ozone and ratios of ethylbenzene/xylene and pentane/t-2-pentene were observed. A quantitative scale was then developed based on first order kinetics to better quantify the degree of aging of an air parcel. Comparison of the air quality stations as well as PAMS in Nantou County revealed that Chushan station can well represent a larger area of Nantou County, with the exception of, perhaps, Puli Township. As a result, we strongly suggest moving Chouton station to Puli in the near future to further analyze the difference in ozone formation mechanism between the great Natou area and Puli Township.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 國立中央大學環境中心