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Title 事業廢棄物清運機具裝置即時追蹤系統功能查驗、輔導及抽查作業第一、二年計畫
Abstract 本計畫依據廢棄物清理法第三十一條第一項第三款,環保署於中華民國九十一年五月十日公告環署廢字第○九一○○三一三一號文「第一批應裝置即時追蹤系統事業廢棄物清運機具」,環署廢字第○九一○○三一三一五號文「事業廢棄物清運機具即時追蹤系統規格及操作維護事項」。同時在九十二年十月二十七日,公告了環署廢字第○九二○○七七六九七號文「第二批應裝置即時追蹤系統之事業廢棄物清運機具」及環署廢字第○九二○○七七六九七A號文修正「事業廢棄物清運機具即時追蹤系統規格及操作維護事項」。今年度完成的工作內容如下(1) 輔導諮詢:輔導公告應裝置即時追蹤系統之事業廢棄物清運機具之業者,加強宣導並成立單一諮詢窗口,提供合理之輔導及協助。同時辦理說明會,以使清運業者得以明白環保署之政策(2) 即時追蹤系統審驗:建立第一批及第二批即時追蹤系統審驗作業流程,包括申請、資料審查、車機審驗、認証核發等工作。(3) 建置審驗資訊系統:設計及建置審驗資訊系統,內容包含所有審驗相關法令、程序、制度,及審驗之申請、成果查詢、成果建檔等功能。(4) 成果的整理及檢討:針對執行成果,整理對系統、法令、執行方式的問題檢討,以及明年繼續推行的建議方向。今年度執行期間共執行了第一批公告對象240車次及第二批公告對象724車次之清運車輛即時追蹤系統審驗工作,完整的即時追蹤系統審驗流程也已建立,並公告於網站上,且提出後續的運作管理方式,並針對審驗期間所遭遇的問題進行了完整的記錄及解決方式的建議,供環保署作為未來政策推行及決策的參考。
EngTitle The verifying、guidance and assistance、random inspection of Waste-cleaning vehicles which installed the GPS machines
EngAbstract The source of this plan is the industrial waste law. Announcements of the EPA in May 10th 2002 the drew up the first group of waste-cleaning vehicles to be installed the GPS machines and the maintenance regulations of the GPS machines. And in October 27th 2003, they drew up the second group of vehicles and modified the maintenance regulations. This year, we had finished:1. Guidance and Assistance:To assist the industries of requested to install the GPS machines. We enhanced to publicize the law and established an single window of consultation to provide our professional service. We also held conferences to make the transportation proprietors understand the policy of the EPA.2. Verifying the GPS systemTo establish the SOP of verifying about GPS-Tracing system, including applying, the verifying of background, the verifying of GPS-Tracing system, the issuing of qualified license……,etc.3. Establish the Information System of VerifyingDesign and establish the Information System of Verifying, include of law、process、rule of verifying, and the applying of verifying, query of the verifying data, and establish the data base of the verifying data.4. Reviewing the results:To clean out the results of reviewing the system, laws and regulations and executing verifying tasks. Bringing out the aspects of how to improve in the next year .In this year, we had verified 240 vehicles for the first group of waste-cleaning vehicles, and 724 vehicles for the second ones. We also established complete SOP of verifying, and announced all data on web site. In addition, we proposed the planning of operation and management, and the solution of the problem that was found in the system and the process of verifying. It would be useful for EPA to make policy.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 兆坤工程科技股份有限公司