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Title 自行車區域推廣計畫
Abstract 隨著環保意識的提昇,對環境品質的要求日益嚴格的趨勢下,推廣省能源、低污染、低噪音的自行車,取代部份高污染汽油車輛,以改善空氣品質乃必須推行的作法。 台南縣環保局為配合發展台南縣特色之觀光產業,適時適地免費提供必要資訊及協助設施,提升遊客參與意願,規劃九十二年度「自行車區域推廣計畫」,於官田及七股等著名景點設立自行車區域推廣中心,並搭配產業文化節日辦理宣導活動,在週休二日時提供至台南縣旅遊民眾便利、環保之綠色交通工具,以減少台南縣風景區機動車輛污染排放量及所造成之噪音。 本計畫執行之目的,即成立自行車區域推廣中心,免費提供自行車、協力車及電動自行車讓民眾試騎,以達到推廣之目的;辦理各項宣導活動,印製宣導品及宣傳車宣導,讓所有民眾瞭解及參與本計畫;對參與本計畫推廣宣導活動民眾進行問卷調查,其結果作為爾後相關計畫工作執行及改善之參考依據。 本計畫執行成果,共成立二處區域推廣中心,試乘民眾超過1,100人次;辦理6場宣導活動與其他積極推廣措施:製作6面宣導海報、50面旗幟、8頂帳篷及3,000份摺頁;完成1,105份有效問卷調查,並分析其結果作為後續計畫執行參考;並可降低空氣污染物排放量。
EngTitle The promotion plan for bicycle riding to specific areas
EngAbstract “The promotion project for bicycle riding to specific areas” has been implemented by the Bureau of Environmental Protection Tainan County to incorporating with promoting the sightseeing business of Tainan County. Two promotion centers had been set up in famous sightseeing spots, Kuan-tien and Chi-Ku, and some promotion activities also had been held during local industrial/cultural festivals. The project not only provided necessary information but also free lease bicycles, which were convenient and environmental friendly, to tourists. The noise pollution was also reduced in Kuan-Tien and Chi-Ku areas on weekends because the tourists adopted bicycles as alternative transportation tools. The main goals of the project are: establish two “Bicycle Promotion Centers” and offer the bicycles, double-bank bicycles and electric bicycles for test-riding service; held various promotion activities; print promotion materials and publicize them; drive a loudspeaker van to demonstrate the whole idea and to make public understand and involve this project. In addition, the outcomes of questionnaire for people who participated in the promotion activities will help the Bureau of Environmental Protection Tainan County improve the implementation for the follow-up project. After more than six month’s execution in this year (2004), the achievements of this project include: 1. Two bicycle promotion centers were established.2. More than 1,100 people test-rode the bicycles.3. Six-promotion activities and other demonstration activities were hold. 4. Six posters, fifty flags, eight marquee and three thousand pamphlets designed and manufactured for the promotion activities were printed and used.5. 1,105 satisfaction questionnaires of test riding had been accomplished and the analyses of survey data were studied and discussed and will help the Bureau improve the implementation of the follow-up project.6. The air pollutant emissions caused by mobile sources can be reduced if people adopt bicycles as alternative transportation
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)