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Title 九十二年度基隆市河川流域整治管理計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行成果,摘要如下:1. 廢水處理設施操作紀錄申報表:38 家2. 放流水採樣:95家3. 污泥稽核:157 家4. 營建工地及土石堆置場逕流廢水查核:每月一次5. 水源區污染行為查核:60 家6. 一般性、陳情案及突發水污染事件:323 家7. 水污染防治法規說明會:1 次8. 河川水質採樣:9 次9. 河川底泥採樣:2 次10. 河川生物調查:2 次
EngTitle The Keelung River basin management in 2002
EngAbstract This project has achieved the following outcomes.1. the listing of 38 operation records of wastewater apparatus2. the 95 times of sampling of wastewater emission.3. the inspections of 157 times of sludge.4. the inspection of building site and runoff from excavation site once a month.5. the inspection of 60 times of pollution behaviors in water resources sanctuary. 6. the inspection of 323 times of general, claim and accidental if water pollution.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 基隆市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 基隆市環境保護局 顏伶珍